The Punchline To The Joke

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At this point Loki burst into tears, he had done this often but his emotions had seemed to be weakened dramatically over the last few weeks. "What? After all this! All the times you sent your 'army' in to my cell, you knew that You would let me go?" Laufey seemed to look confused "we had plans for you, but it seems that your 'brother' got in the way. We will let you go, but remember Laufeyson, you will return, whether you want to or not"

Loki kept his position, his leg hadn't fully healed but he didn't care much for it at this point "do not refer to me as such! I don't care what you believe me to be. I am an Odinson!"

"you'd be surprised boy! Things may change. It could be you begging to stay next time" Loki grimaced, terror rose at the thought of leaving Asgard to join the jotüns. If he were going home then he had no idea what to do next, he figured that it may be best to lay low for a while, while he sorted out his head; the beatings and torture had effected him mentally. All he wanted to do was to be close to Thor. "I'm not leaving without my brother! And the bargain still stands, if I am to return, Thor must never be touched! If any of you lay a hand on him I will make sure you never take me" Loki at thus point became uncomfterable, the position he was in on the floor made him feel weak and powerless in comparison to the frostgiant before his eyes

"you have my word. Your brother will not be harmed, on one condition - if he enters Jotünheim aiming to attack as he did before, the same will happen to him; he will be captured. And perhaps he won't be so lucky next time as he won't have you to protect him"

Loki wanted to kill Laufey for all the things he had said or done or threatened to do over the past month. But what good would killing this monster do? The frost giants would surely slaughter him for that, then he would be putting Thor's life in danger as well as his self

"what are we waiting for?" Loki demanded, growing impatient at the fact he was still in Jotünheim. Laufey nodded and left, Loki stumbled to his feet, that he was allowed to walk himself for once, instead of being forcefully dragged. He followed Laufey back to the cell. Thor was sat by the bars, his head lowered and his golden hair flowing over his face. "THOR!" Loki screamed, letting his brother know that he was safe. Thor looked up "brother? What happened? Oh my god! I thought they were going to kill you!" Loki felt lovedmwhen he looked into Thor's eyes, his brother had nothing but relief and love in them. The cell was opened and Thor rushed to his feet, embracing Loki and holding him tightly. Loki took a deep breath, realising how much his brother meant to him. "it's ok Thor, we can go home!" Thor looked up at Loki, both of them had tears in their eyes. Thor turned to Laufey "I had a stallion when I arrived, what has become of him?" "It is safe and will return to you upon your departure. But remember boy" laufey now turned to Loki "you will return. No matter how much you oppose, you are lucky we are allowing this. If your brother hadn't got in the way you would perhaps be in a worse state than before.

A frost giant led to them to the Bifrost point where His stallion was waiting. Loki was insisted that he should get on and ride, his leg was in a bad enough state and he was obviously weak. Loki mounted with the help of Thor and with this, they were teleported back to Asgard.


This chapter sounds like a conclusion so I figured I'd let you know that the story still continues, you can leave it at this if you want but I will carry it on... Loki has to face Odin yet;)

Thanks for all the amazing reviews and comments! I love you all<3

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