Single Dying Star

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The news of Loki's arrival spread like wildfire. People had begun to believe that Loki was out for revenge and no matter how much Thor publicly addressed the crowds, stating that he himself rescued his brother and that there was nothing for him to take revenge for, they wouldn't leave the idea alone. This meant that Loki couldn't leave his chamber in case of attacks and swarms of people trying to get the full side of the story. Thor only left through the back passages to retrieve food, wine and various other necessities to keep them comfortable. Odin had given up his wrath, promising that he would explain everything as long as Loki kept his secret identity to himself. Loki tried to keep himself happy by singing songs that he remembered from when he was a child. Thor had promised that he would take him out hunting Bilgesneip as soon as he could leave the chamber which also kept him optimistic, but the hours still dragged and he longed for sunlight- the blinds also had to remain closed as few had resorted to trying to see their prince through his window.

Isolation isn't the nicest thing and Loki was beginning to realise this now, of course he had Thor to look after him and no one could make him feel better, but the artificial lights had began to irritate him, resulting in a feeling of captivity and imprisonment. There had been no sign of his mother, he hoped that this was because of the crowds blocking the entrance and not down to the fact that she was unwilling to see him. His only hope was that the crowds would soon become bored and realise as time went on that he didn't intend on seeking revenge, meaning that his life could return to normal.

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Really short chapter I know...

I'm really sorry about this but I've been I such a state latey that I've not even considered the chapter, hopefully I'll be ok soon to get the next chapter up and of better quality and standard.

Again, I apologise about the chapter


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