Descolate Phantoms

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"Have you lost your mind?"

Odin had dismissed the distressed crowd explaining that this was just as distressing to him as it was for them.

He, along with Frigga, Thor and Loki had returned to Loki's chambers.

Loki threw his crutches onto the cold floor and Settled down on his bed, he couldn't see the point in arguing with Odin as he could easily turn it around to his advantage by pointing out that he was a thief.

"Are you deaf boy? Or do you find yourself too important to answer me?"

Loki glared up at Odin, he felt vomit rising at the back of his throat but chose to ignore it. There were so many things he wanted to call his father, but realising that it would just be a waste of breath he turned and looks into his mothers sorrowful eyes. "Mother..." She stepped forward, tears streaming down her face . He took her hands for comfort as he bared his soul to her.

"You never deserved this... Me. I swear, I never intended to hurt you. The love you have given to both me and Thor, we cannot be more grateful. I feel as of I have been lesser of a son than you deserved."

Frigga smiled shakily, seeming more in control of herself now, leaning down, she gently kissed Loki's forehead and sniffed.

"You are more than a son to me Loki, you are so much more, and Thor. The two of you are gems to me, I don't love you by force Loki, I love you by choice..."

With this she left the room, tears took control meaning she couldn't finish., leaving Loki and Thor to endure Odin's wrath.

Thor seemed more worried than Loki, even though Odin was unaware of Thor's participance. Loki didn't care what the old man had to say, he just glared at his father, wondering what other lies he had conjured throughout his life. The ranting and raving seemed to continue for a while longer until Loki decided that enough was enough.

"Do you have any idea what you have done Loki?"

"Me? You're the one who stole me"

"Stop talking shit!"

"Do you not understand 'father'? Have you become so old and bitter that you have forgotten what you did those twenty seven years ago?"

"Of course I remember. We all remember" His eyes flash over to Thor

Loki stood slowly, leaning only on his stronger leg. "So why did you never tell me? You had all this time, why not?"

"I only wanted to protect you, I thought not of myself but of you. I feared that revealing it to you would leave you feeling unloved and unimportant."

Loki smirked,

"well you did a good job there."

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