Battle Song

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screams. Tears. Terror.

What could be better? Loki looked up to see Odin, his first thought was to strike him down but he quickly cast that aside realising that killing the man who raised him would make him just as bad as the monster known as his genetic father. It was hard to believe that he had the whole of Asgard in his power.

"Were you expecting something different? Was Jotünheim too far to search?"

Hatred flared in his eyes and his voice rose as he remembered what he had been through.

"is this strange Odin? Your son? Weak and beaten?"

Odin took a step forward, smirking. "Loki? Y- you're not well, come. Thor take him to his chamber"

Thor kept his position, eyes directly on Loki, not following his fathers directions.

"Thor! Are Does your mind wander? My son is home! We must-"

"I am not your son"

Keeping a calm tone, he looked straight into Odin's eyes, the look on the old mans face made him want to torment his father further.

"Loki, let us discuss this elsewhere..."

"why not here? Let the world know of my true identity!"

The crowds stared questioningly as Odin's eyes flickered with both remorse and humiliation.

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