Decimated Dreams

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The day seemed slow, by the end Loki was exhausted. Thor had been there to help him with his crutches, his arms were weak, they couldn't support his body for long but he was determined to carry on, he wanted this, the crutches were the next best thing from walking alone. Thor had forbidden this, he had insisted that his leg was broken and therefore walking on it was a no go. He sighed and slumped down on his bed, his arms ached and he longed to sleep. Thor sat down and put his arm around him. "I think youve done enough brother, you're tired, I can see it. Go to sleep now, I promise I will return tomorrow."

"You're leaving? B- but I don't want to be alone!" Loki felt childish saying such things, but he truly never wanted Thor to leave his side again. Thor squeezed him tightly "I do not wish to leave you either Loki, but I must! Father may become suspicious." Loki sighed and smiled nervously. Thor patted him gently on his good shoulder and left. With that Loki's world became silent, he crawled up his bed and burried himself in the covers, sobbing quietly. He didn't like it, he felt lost, Thor's presence made him feel safe and loved, now there was nothing, he had his thoughts to comfort him. What good would they do? He thought about Laufey and the fact that he was a lie, he had believed that he was an Asgardian, he had been proud of this. But now? He was the son of a murderer and a monster!

When he awoke the next morning a sence of relief spread over him; he had survived the night! Without Thor! At least his brother would return soon, he promised. He decided that he should try again with the crutches, he had to get this done soon. His memorial service was coming up and he wanted to be ready. He had pulled muscles in his arms and every movement hurt. But determination drove him on, he wanted revenge, with all his heart. Odin deserved this, for hiding him from his own truth and forcing him to live a lie his entire life. The hours dragged and Loki could help but find himself staring at is door, waiting for his brother to return back to him, but no such thing happened. Loki watched as the glowing sun set behind the main peak of Asgards palace. The sky glowed with a eery purple, this didnt help as his nerves had begun to get the better of him, he feared that Thor wouldn't return.

He stayed by the window for many hours, silently waiting for Thor. His body ached after the second hour, he gave up hope and again he crawled into his empty bed. Tears began to fall as he lay a pillow beside him, to pretend that his bed wasn't so empty. He feared Thor wouldn't return, he knew he was being stupid but his brother had promised he would return that day. But he hadn't kept his promise.

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