Grey Stained Windows

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The nurse had a confused expression upon her face as he rummaged through the shelves, picking out bandages, crutches and whatever else he could get his hands on, his eyes met the confused nurses and he came out with the best excuse he could manage. "It's for Odin, he's teaching me medical skills" The woman nodded and returned to her work. Thor sighed, hoping that the nurse didn't ask Odin about the 'medical sessions' which he was attending. He had never been a good liar. Perhaps if it had been Loki , he had a nack for thinking on the spot. Then it might have been an easier situation for him.

Thor passed the kitchens on his journey to Loki's chambers. He stopped in, asking if they had any spare food as he was starving. He received platefuls filled with cheese, meats, bread and many other luxuries. He smiled to himself, thinking about Loki and how much better he'd look after eating. He couldn't understand how Laufey had let him starve, if Loki had refused to join them continuously, would they have allowed him to die of starvation? He that thought aside and grabbed some water, assuming that he may be thirsty.

He opened the door and sneaked in, Loki was still asleep. He lay the food aside and gently sat on the side of his sleeping brothers, close enough to watch his face, he always had been cute when he slept. But the slim, bruised and scarred figure made Thor uneasy, he really hated to see his brother in such a state. He nudged him, feeling bad for waking him up but he was desperate for Loki to eat; he hadn't mentioned his hunger but it was obvious that he was wasting away, and that, Thor wouldn't allow. "Hey brother" Thor whispered "I'm sorry for waking you up Loki, I have food? Please eat. Your wasting away" Loki smiled wearingly, looking at the food and smiling gleefully "Thank you Thor" Thor sat back and allowed Loki space to eat. He seemed reluctant at first, but eventually he was stuffing his face greedily as he finally realised how hungry he was. Thor welled up. He loved Loki so much and to see him back home really warmed his heart.

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