Crashing Down

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Sleep seemed impossible that night, Thor had slept with him as he had begged his brother to stay that night, Thor had sighed and slumped down beside him placing a vast arm over him for means of comfort and strength. They had lightly discussed tomorrow an what it may bring. "I don't know what to do anymore." Loki had begun to sob and decided there was no point lying about it. "I can't hide this, I can't keep it secret- Odin stole me, but if I... When I question him about it... You know how he can react when put under pressure..." Thor shuffled up so that he was laying closer to him. "Loki listen, you're my brother and i ensure you that I would not allow anything to come of you. Now you have to promise me that tomorrow you'll do what you do best and put on a great show." Loki smiled, he knew Thor spoke words of wisdom, he was known as the Trickster throughout the halls of Asgard and it was definite that he had to live up to expectations. He just didn't know how yet; maybe it would just be best for him to follow his gut and hope for the best, it seemed the best option rather than just worrying about coming up with a routine and most definitely screwing something up.

"Thor, promise me something? When I go back to Jotünheim, I want you to remember me, I want you to still remember the memories we have together, instead of the monster I'll have become. If I touch you, or allow any frost giants to enter Asgard... That's when I want you to forget that I'm your brother and, and destroy me." Loki caught his breath, realising how truthful his words were, he never wanted this, he had never expected it but it seemed to be imminent. Like destiny?

"I believe the Jotüns have the advantage Loki, when they have you it might be impossible for me to even consider trying to forget everything we have shared. I wouldn't be able to... But that is in the future Loki, today belongs to us, as brothers."

Silence engulfed them yet again as they struggled to ensure they had enough sleep, ready for the unknown that tomorrow would surely bring.

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