Stronger Than Love

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"Brother I am sorry, I should never have let you out of my site, it’s my fault they did this to you" Thor didn't know what else to say, he wanted to comfort his brother. He wanted to prevent anything from harming him ever again, but he'd exchanged his life for Thor, he was terrified, not for himself, but for his brother, what did they want with Loki?

"It's not your fault Thor, I don't care what happens to me, I wouldn't let them hurt you" Loki's voice was bleak, no emotion. Loki stretched a bruised arm through his cell bars, Thor did the same so that they could hold each other for comfort as they didn't know what tomorrow would bring, this could be the last night they spent together. Tears began to form in Loki's eyes, he wanted to go back to the early days when he and Thor would gallop through the square, joking and laughing, things were simpler back then; there was no competition for power or strength.

Thor searched for another way, there must be, he had begged Laufey to take him when Loki was dragged away earlier, but it seemed that the frost giants were only interested in Loki.

For now all he could do was to ensure that Loki knew he was loved "I love you Loki. You know that don't you?" Loki stayed silent, thinking about the words spoken. Only replying with the only words he could think of. "All this time, I believed I would never see you again. And you know what? I took all the beating to keep you safe. I love you too brother" he squeezed Thor's hand to feel safer, no matter where he was, Thor always made him feel safe.

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