Chapter 1 - Welcome to Melbourne

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I stepped out of the car and finally stretched my legs after a two hour journey from the airport. I inhaled the scent of Melbourne as I gazed up at our new home which towered high above me. It was beautiful. All painted porcelain white, all the windows were four-paned, even the front door was immaculately designed, the architect certainly had a wonderful eye for detail.

My eyes skimmed towards the front lawn and a smell of freshly cut grass travelled through my nose. I admired the rose bushes and examined their every detail, small and delicate, fragile. I had a feeling that I would like Melbourne.

"Be a darling and help me with the boxes Chrissy," Mum ordered as she walked towards the front door carrying a heavy box under each arm. I sighed and lifted two boxes in each arm, mirroring my mother. As I was about to turn around, I felt a heavy tap on my shoulder. I spun round so fast I'm surprised I didn't give myself whiplash, however the most glorious, golden, symmetrical face stared back at me.

"Hi! I'm Luke, are you moving in?" the boy asked me. He looked around my age, he wore a light, sky blue t-shirt which read across the front "I can't even", and some blue, worn out jeans. A black snapback hugged his head and casted a shadow over his face.

"Hi, I'm Chrissy. I just moved here from England," I beamed nervously.

"Wow! I've always wanted to visit England!" Luke replied, looking at my boxes.

"I think Melbourne is much better!" I said and he chuckled.

"Do you want me and my brothers to show you around?" he asked politely.

"Uhh, sure. Just let me take these boxes inside." I said as I began walking up the path with Luke following closely behind.

I pushed the door open and led Luke into my new house.

"Mum, I'm going out with my new friend!" I called as I dumped the boxes on the floor.

"Friend? Already?" she exclaimed, rushing out of the living room with an antique ornament in her hand. When she saw Luke, her face lit up.

"Hi! I'm Miss Clark. Thank you for taking my daughter out around the city." she thanked Luke kindly, offering her hand to him.

"No problem Miss Clark!" Luke took her hand in his and gave it a welcoming shake.

"Sorry, I didn't catch your name," she said.

"Oh, I'm Luke Brooks!"

After they had finished their greeting, we went to meet up with Luke's brothers.

When we got to his house, he gestured me in like one of the queens servants would do which I thought was quite funny.

"Hold on," he said as he rushed up stairs leaving me in the hallway. I heard loud foot steps coming from the second floor of the house and later on some quarreling.

"Beau, what the fuck have you done to my bed?!" Luke screamed at the top of his lungs. I heard some laughter coming from two un-familiar voices and then some footsteps coming down the stairs.

Their was a boy wearing a purple snap back and he was carrying a video camera. When he saw me he turned the camera off.

"Who are you?" he asked suspiciously. My heart started picking up its pace.

"I'm Chrissy, I just moved next door from England. Luke is going to show me around town." I smiled nervously.

"Oh cool, I'm Beau! Oh, and don't worry about the screaming and shouting, you'll get used to it," Beau greeted me. "Here, watch this!"

He stood beside me and opened the video camera. He pressed a few buttons and a video clip started playing.

"Hey guys, Luke's gone out and I wanted to play a prank on him because I cooked dinner for him last night and he didn't eat it so, yeah. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a load of shit onto his bed," he said into the camera.

Ten minutes into the video, Beau and I where in stitches because he had put honey, feathers, raw eggs, gummy bears, ketchup and a whole bunch of other stuff in his bed.

"Where am I gonna sleep tonight?" Luke asked frantically from up stairs as Beau quickly shut off the camera.

"Sleep on the couch!" he bellowed back.

Luke walked down stairs and quarrelled with Beau for a moment.

"Are you coming with me to show Chrissy around?" Luke asked Beau after they where done.

"Sure," he answered simply, scrolling through his phone. "Jai are you coming?" Beau called up the stairs.

"Fine, but I don't even know where we're going!" a voice from up stairs filled the house. A boy that looked exactly like Luke came down the stairs and met my eyes.

"Woah! Who is she?" he asked, beaming at me.

"Hey, I'm Chrissy," I greeted him warmly.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jai." He turned his head towards Luke. "She's a keeper!"

"Shut the fuck up, I've only just met her."

And with that, we headed to catch a tram into the city.


"So, I'll see you tomorrow?" Luke asked me as we neared our houses. We were left on our own after Jai and Beau got arrested for shouting at a horse.

"Sure!" I agreed smiling at him in the dark. We exchanged our Facebooks, FaceTime's, phone numbers, Skype... Basically we exchanged our details for all of our social networking sites so no matter what we could stay in contact.

"Well, see you tomorrow Chrissy," he said going in for a hug.

Surprised, I hugged him back and breathed in his smell of his fresh aftershave.

When I got into my pyjama's my laptop started making a noise which ment I was getting a Skype call. I opened my laptop and Lukes face popped up on the screen.

"Hey, we where just talking!" I said laughing.

"I know, but Jai and Beau aren't back yet and my mum's working late. I'm lonely," he said in a sad tone and he made a sad face.

"Aww, well I guess we could talk," I chuckled.

We spoke all night and talked about school and music. Every minute I spoke to Luke I got more and more attracted to him. But I know that it's impossible to fall in love with someone that you haven't even known for twenty four hours. It's just that as soon as I saw Luke I felt like I had known him for years, I felt like I could tell him anything, I felt like I didn't have to pretend anymore and that I could be myself around him. Could this be the start of something new?

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