Chapter 25 - Goodbyes

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I woke up to the sound of my annoying ass alarm on my phone notifying me that it was time to get up and go to the airport with Luke and the guys. I sluggishly turned the alarm off and rubbed my eyes, allowing them to adjust. I sat up in bed and looked around my room, knowing that Luke and I wouldn't be cuddling together here for a while.

I let out a large sigh, got up out of my bed and headed for the shower. Yes, a shower at 3AM in the morning.

I let the warm water trickle down my pale body as thoughts spun around and around in my head.

Everyone knew that Luke could get any girl he wanted, I mean, come on, it's Luke fucking Brooks we're talking about. And there was always that one fan who pushed to hard. That one fan who would try it on with him. That one fan who would try anything to get him in her bed. And it wasn't like I didn't trust Luke, I just didn't trust some of the girls who he was going to be with. It just made me so worried that what if something does happen while he was away, then he'd come back and say "I met this girl on tour so I think we should break up." I was petrified of losing him, that was all.

I jumped out of the shower feeling refreshed and wide awake. I wrapped a towel around my bare body and walked back into my room to start getting ready. I picked out warm clothes, guessing that it would be a little cold out at this time of night, so I picked out one of Luke's oversized jumpers, some leggings and a pair of old skool vans.

I scraped my hair back into a tight ponytail and I pinned my fringe back out of my face with a few grips.

"Done." I sighed as I took a look at myself in the mirror and sitting back down onto the bed, checking my phone to see that I had a text from Luke.

From: Luke x

'You out of bed yet, lazybones ;) xxx'

I giggled at the text before replying.

To: Luke x

'Yep, I'm ready now, what time do you want me to come over? xxx'

From: Luke x

'Come now :) xxx'

I locked my phone, shoved it into my pocket, threw my hood over my head and headed downstairs and out the door, making my way towards the Brooks' house hold. When I was outside their house, I knocked on the door and waited for it to open. I was watching my breath float into the cold night sky when the door opened and a sleepy Jai was standing there, still half asleep.

"Morning," he groaned, his eyes still half shut as he let me in. I giggled at his dopiness as I stepped inside of the house and made my way into the living room. Luke and Beau were sitting on the couch eating some bacon and eggs. When the saw me, their tired faces lit up as I sat down in between them.

"Good morning," I smiled at them both.

"Naw, Chrissy I'm gonna miss you so much!" Beau squealed as he pounced on me, engulfing me in a tight hug. Before I know it, all of the boys were all in a pile on top of me.

"Can't... Breathe!" I gasped as their weight became heavier as they stayed planted on my body for what felt like forever.

"Shit, sorry," Luke muttered as he got off of me, allowing Beau and Jai to get off as well.

"Are the girls coming?" I asked the boys as I rested my head on Luke's shoulder.

"I think they're on their way now," Jai told me. "And the boys are on their way as well, mums taking us to the airport."

"Okay," I said simply as I felt Luke's hands snake around my waist. He began to cradle me, I instantly felt warm and safe. I must have fallen asleep for five minutes or so.

"Aw, she's so funny when she sleeps," I heard James voice from above me. My eyes fluttered open to see James, Skip, Jai, Luke, Andrea, Harper and Beau looking down at me.

"What the fuck?" I muttered as I sat up.

"You must be tired," Daniel said, still looking at me.

"No fucking shit!" I groaned sarcastically. I heard footsteps coming down stairs followed by Gina coming into the living room and greeting us all.

"Well, we better get going," she sighed as she picked up her keys from the coffee table and led everyone out of the house.

"I'm freezing," Harper complained as she pulled her hood up over her head and linked arms with me as we walked to the car. I sat beside Luke and Harper at the back of the car. We spent the car ride to the airport just singing while the others just sat there, staring out of the window with a glum look on their faces.

Twenty minutes later, the car came to a stop. I looked out of the window and noticed we were at the airport. I felt the tears brimming up as I wanted to spend more time with Luke, but I knew I couldn't.

I climbed out of the car slowly and immediately took hold of Luke's hand as we walked towards the entrance. There was a long line of people waiting to check in their bags. I noticed that the flight was going to Glasgow airport in Scotland, and that's where the boys were going. We walked into the line and waited for it to die down before they all checked there bags in.

Luke wrapped her arms around my waist from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"I don't have to go, you know," I spoke softly into my ear.

"Luke, you're going," I told him. Before we knew it, we were at security. First I hugged Jai then James, then Beau, then Daniel and then Luke came last. I looked up at his brown eyes, my vision getting blurry as tears filled my eyes. He reached down my top, pulled out my necklace he gave me for my birthday and kissed it softly.

"Whenever you feel alone, just hold this tightly and you will know that I'm right there," he told me, trying to smile but failing as several tears rolled down his cheeks. A few tears spilled from my own eyes. I buried my head in the crook of his neck as he rubbed my back soothingly.

"Have a good time, try not to think about me too much," I croaked into his hoodie.

"Impossible," he chuckled as he reached down and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. "Goodbye baby."

"Don't say goodbye," I winced at his words. "Say 'I'll see you later'."

"Okay, I'll see you later," he smiled, planting one last kiss on my lips before walking through security. I watched the boys walking into the crowd of people when out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bright flash. I turned my head and saw that the paparazzi were standings few yards from us.

"Fuck," I muttered as I stood beside Andrea, Harper and Gina. They all turned round and saw the paparazzi snapping pictures of us. I took one last look at the crowd to see if I could find the boys. I saw Luke being calmed down by James and Daniel, he seemed to be having a break down, I couldn't bare to see him like this. He looked up and saw that I was watching him. He stood up and started blowing kisses to me, tears streaming down his face. I pretended to catch them and put them on my lips. I wanted to run through the crowd and give him one last hug, but it was impossible. I would have to wait until he gets back.


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