Chapter 7 - Where Is Our Friendship Going?

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I woke up with the comforting feeling of the warm, radiant sun cleansing my face. I allowed my eyes to gradually flutter open, waited a few minutes for them to adjust, then sat up to examine my surroundings.

I was in the Brooks' house. But more importantly, I was in Luke's room, in his bed. The posters and train tickets decorated his creamy white walls, his grey bed sheets gave the room a minimalistic vibe, which I loved. Less was more, in my opinion.

I glanced down at a sleeping Luke, his clothes from the night before still clung to his chiselled body. He looked peaceful, I didn't want to disturb him. I crept out of bed and down the stairs to make us both some coffee, also pouring a glass of water for Luke, as I had a feeling he would be needing that too.

I took the water and coffee back up stairs and gently placed it down onto the bedside table next to him before tiptoeing around to my side of the bed and pulling my coffee up close to my chin. The smell was heavenly. I looked out of the open window to see that the sky was cloudless and the sun was shining brightly, birds could be heard chirping away in the distance, a smile crept on to my face as in that moment, I felt completely at peace and content.

"Good morning," a voice groaned from beside me. Luke stretched his arms out wide and yawned intensely before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"Morning sleepy. Hungover?"

"Extremely," he groaned, pushing himself up with all of his might. He clocked the glass of water next to him and his eyes filled with appreciation. "Fuck, thank you so much for this."

"Hey, don't mention it, I just wanted you to recover nicely," I chuckled, watching him drain the glass as I took a sip of my rich coffee.

"How bad was I last night?" he asked wearily, setting the glass back down.

"Does, 'I want my mum' ring any bells?"

"Oh God, I'm such am embarrassment when I'm drunk," he said chuckling.

"And um.. A few things might have been revealed towards the end of the night," I hinted awkwardly. The look on his face changed from laughter to embarrassment.

"Yeah, I kinda knew that would come up at some point during the night," he mumbled, twiddling with his thumbs.

We sat in silence for a while. I sipped my coffee until the mug was empty.

"Where is our friendship going right now?" I asked, trying not to sound too eager, but it was obvious I was dying to know, I couldn't hide it.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, although I knew he knew what I was talking about.

"That night when I was sitting out by myself when we where on the camping trip. You told me I could sleep in your tent. Then the night I got back you sent me a text saying that I was a good kisser... I'm a little confused. I just wanna know of what you said last night was the truth, and it wasn't just you talking bollocks because you'd had a bit to drink."

"Look Chrissy, I have feelings for you. I was too scared to tell you incase it would ruin our friendship, and I guess it looks like it has," he said. "You make me feel like I can tell you all my secrets, I can tell you all about my life and what I've been through. I'm not able to act like that when I'm with anyone else. You're the most beautiful girl I have ever met, I love everything about you, your blonde hair. Your brown eyes. Your personality. You. You're just amazing."

I didn't know what to say. And I didn't say anything. Instead I just stared down at my hands, unable to find the words to match his.

"You probably think-" I cut him off.

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