Chapter 9 - Bitchy Bullies And Spreading The Word

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"Do you wanna come over to my place after school?" Luke asked quietly, trying not to be heard by the teacher. We were in Science.

"Yeah, I'd love to," I answered, nudging him slightly with my elbow.

I looked around the room and noticed that two girls towards the back of the glass were exchanging whispers and giggling together without breaking their stare from me. I tried not to think too much about it and returned to focus on my work.

The bell finally rang out, signifying that it was lunch time. I grabbed my books and folders, shoved them under my arm and strolled out of the classroom, Luke following closely behind.

"Why can't they let us go home at twelve?" I groaned. It was too humid and muggy for a school with no air conditioning. That should be illegal.

"Here, put your books in my bag and I'll give you a piggy back ride to the canteen," Luke suggested, taking my books from me and dumping them in his backpack.

I climbed onto his back and before I knew it Luke was sprinting through the corridors and barging past people. We got to the canteen and realised that we were first in line. He put me back onto the ground, took my hand and led me to where all the food choices where neatly placed.

"Erm, can I have a slice of pizza and a bottle of water please?" I asked the dinner lady politely before handing over the money. After she returned my change, I thanked her and turned around to see where Harper and the others were. I found them sitting at one of the tables on the far side of the room, so I headed off to join them.

"Hey," I sighed as I sat down next to Harper. She grinned at me as soon as she saw me.

"I heard that you and Luke got left alone at the park this weekend, what did you guys get up to?" she said, pushing me to 'spill the tea'.

"Uhh, we just talked about us and stuff, nothing big," I said simply, taking a bite of my pizza.

I looked around at my amazing group of friends, Harper was so pretty, James was hilarious, Jai was always on his phone, but that's what's so funny about him, Daniel is always tossing food in the air and catching it in his mouth, then there's Luke. Luke is just, amazing, I could talk about him for hours.

He came and joined us at the table and sat in the empty seat next to me, kissed me on the cheek and tucked into his cheese burger. We were all laughing hysterically at Daniel, as usual, when we were interrupted by a shrill, squeaky voice behind us.

"Oh look everyone, it's the new leader of the skank squad." I turned around and saw the same girl who was giving me the death stares in Science. I knew she was talking about me, her eyes did not leave me once.

"Hey, leave her alone, yeah? She doesn't deserve to be called a skank," Luke demanded defensively. The girls started laughing and giggling.

"How can you possibly like her? She's so ugly and just a stupid ugly slut!" she hissed, getting closer and closer to my face.

"Don't fucking call her a slut okay?!" Luke got up out of his chair and stood in front of her.

"Ooh, lover boy is getting feisty, standing up for his pathetic little girlfriend," she said in a little girls voice.

"Right, I have a name, I'll have you know," I exclaimed, getting up out of my chair and standing beside Luke. "and my name is Chrissy. I don't even know who the fuck you are, so what gives you the right to call me all these names? How DARE you call me a slut when it's you who's wearing a cheap ass skirt almost high enough to see your arse? Just sit the fuck down and don't come near me again." I screamed in her face, I could feel the veins in my neck protruding. I think I said it a little too loud, as everyone in the canteen had turned their focus towards our table.

The girl looked shocked, she was speechless. She turned round and quickly walked out of the canteen.

"That's right, run away in your little high heels!" I called after her. I returned to the table and continued eating my pizza.

"Fucking hell Chrissy, you're tougher than I thought you were!" Daniel said shocked.

"You handled that really well babe," Luke's voice filled my left ear.

"Thanks," I said kissing him softly on his lips.


"Mum! We're home!" Luke called once we got into his house.

"Okay! I'm just going over to Nonna's house, I'll be back in a few hours." she announced as she came out of the living room. She clocked me and a smile formed on her face.

"You must be Chrissy, am I right?" she asked and shook my hand.

"Yeah, I am, it's lovely to meet you," I smiled at her.

"It's lovely to meet you too, Luke never stops talking about you."

"Mum!" Luke muttered embarrassment laced in his voice.

"Well, it's nice meeting you," she said before exiting the house.

Luke, Jai and I entered Luke's bedroom, and I plopped down onto the bed.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said smirking.

"I know what you're thinking, I can read you like a book," I chuckled. He sat down beside me and kissed me softly. A few moments passed by like a steady moving train, and I had almost completely forgotten that Jai was still present.

"For fucks sake, I'm getting James and Daniel round, I can't deal with this shit by myself." Jami complained. Luke and I began to giggle as Jai fidgeted around at the end of the bed.

"Hey, do you know who the Janoskians are?" Luke asked me.

"I've heard about them but I don't really understand who they are." I said. My friends back in England used to talk about them quite a lot.

He reached for his laptop from underneath his bed and opened up YouTube, typed in the search bar 'janoskians' and scrolled through the top videos until he clicked on one that was titled 'A Day In A Life Of A Dysfunctional Family'.

When the video started playing, I gasped when I realised that Luke, Jai, Beau, Daniel, and James were the Janoskians!

"Luke! Why didn't you tell me?" I exclaimed. He didn't respond, instead he chuckled at me and carried on watching the video. Every so often Luke, jai and I would erupt into fits of laughter.

When the video was over, I was laughing so hard, I could have sworn my bladder almost gave way.

"I think we need to tell my fans that we're dating," Luke told me.

"But what if they don't like me?" I asked him, fear suddenly washing over me.

"If they don't, then it's not gonna be the end of the world, besides, they're gonna love you."

He whipped his phone out and opened up an app on his phone called 'Keek' and he started to record a video.

"Hey guys, um, there's something I've been meaning to tell you," he started. "You see, there's this girl and she makes me feel like nobody else in the world does, say hi Chrissy."

"Hi," I smiled at the phone.

"We are dating, and I just thought that I couldn't hide it from you any longer, bye guys." The video ended and he put the caption as 'just had to get it off my chest'.


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