Chapter 29 - When Do I Tell Him?

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❤️Chrissy's POV❤️

Vomit, vomit, and more vomit exploded from my mouth into the hollow, porcelain toilet bowl. It was 6.34am and I had woken up from a restless sleep. I vomited all over my bedroom floor and was now vomiting in the toilet bowl. What a great start to the morning.

I vomited for a last time and flushed the contents of the toilet away, breathing heavily as I stood up, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand and groggily proceeding to vigorously brush my teeth. After I was finished, I realised that no matter how hard I tried, I was NOT going to get back to sleep, so I threw on some joggers, a Hollister t-shirt, my Nike Blazers and went for a run to clear my head.

I ran along the river side at the back of my house, up to the play park and finally got to the pharmacy as the corner shop wasn't open.

I entered the store and I was instantly hit with the smell of medication. I grabbed a bottle of Pepsi from the glass cabinet and placed it on the counter. My eyes scanned the products until they locked on something that nearly made me faint.

It had been two weeks since me and Luke had sex, and I remembered two things about that night that made me shiver with fear.

1. He didn't use a condom.

2. He didn't pull out when he came.

I felt myself beginning to shake as my hands reached out and grabbed one of each brand of pregnancy tests. I slammed them down onto the counter and dug my nails into my palms, the lady behind the cash register flashing me a look of concern while scanning my items. I watched her as she placed them all carefully in the white plastic bag and handed it to me. I dumped the correct amount of change into the palm of her hand and made a scurry for the door.

"Thank you," I muttered under my breath, trying to crack a smile but failing miserable. I exited the shop and sprinted home as fast as physically possible, my legs soon threatening to cave in underneath me.

When I reached my street, I glanced up at Luke's bedroom window to see him gazing up at the morning sky, a white, porcelain mug in his grip. Catching his attention, he noticed me staring and gave me a warm smile, waving eagerly with his free hand. I attempted to return his smile, but failed miserably, the blood draining from my face as I began to feel faint. I sprinted into my house.

"Hello?!" I called, checking to see if anyone was in.

No answer. Of course nobody was home.

I thundered upstairs, into the bathroom and slammed the door closed, violently locking it. Shaking, I sat on the toilet and pulled out the three pregnancy tests that I had bought at the pharmacy. I ripped open each box and peed on them, one by one I waited. . My heart rate got faster and faster as I waiting for the results to come up, my head falling into my left hand as I waited, blood ringing in my ears.

Calm down, Chrissy, everything will be fine, I repeatedly reassured myself, refusing to look up at the tests. After a few excruciating moments. I forced my head up and my eyes locked on the tests.


The world stopped. My world had come to a halt. Frozen on that toilet, I knew that nothing would be the same.

Almost immediately, tears escaped my eyelids and the pregnancy tests fell to the floor.

"What the fuck have I got myself into?" I blubbered as I cried hysterically into my hands. So many questions were running through my mind as I cried and cried and cried.

Should I keep the baby?

Should I have an abortion?

What will mum say?

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