Chapter 4 - Camping

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"We're here!" Beaus voice filled the car causing everyone to wake from their slumbers.

I turned and stared out the window. We were in the middle of nowhere. In a field. Surrounded by cows.

"Where the fuck have you taken us Beau!" Jai shouted at him, obviously wondering where the fuck we where going to set up the tent.

"Calm the fuck down you stressy cunt! There's a forest over there so it's going to take a bit of walking to get to it," he replied irritably to Jai.

"I'll walk with you if you want?" Luke asked politely.

"Yeah sure! This trip's going to be so fun!" I cheered, opening the back of the car in order to get out. I hauled on my massive back pack and as soon as I put it on my shoulders it felt like I was being pulled down by the Hulk.

"I'll get that for you," James grinned.

"Thanks!" I smiled back at him.

Luke had brought a big back pack too, but when he put it on his back he was absolutely fine.

"God, you're strong," I said to him. He chuckled at my compliment and carried on getting everyone's bags and dumping them on the ground. How nice of him.

We started walking towards the forest, Jai, James, Daniel and Beau leading us, and me, Harper and Luke trailing behind. We started talking about really random stuff like Christianity and just really stupid shit, that's when I saw at the corner of my eye Daniel running down the field chasing after a cow.

"Come back here you little dick face!" He yelled running after it. The group burst into fits of laughter. We carried on watching him. Finally the cow stopped and Daniel started shouting at it.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing, just trotting past me without even saying hi you cheeky little shit!"

"Got yourself a bird then Skip?" James teased. Daniel looked over to him and grinned.

"Yes lad!" He cheered and started humping the side of the cow. The animal made a sound that I had never heard before and shoved him out the way and ran off.

"Unlucky mate," Jai said to him when he returned from this interesting event.


"Okay, you guys set the tents up, I'm gonna go look for fire wood," Luke announced to everyone just as we found a perfect spot in the woods.

"I'll come with you," I said getting up from the ground, wiping my hands on the back of my joggers and following Luke closely behind.

We walked for a bit in silence but then he spoke.

"I think Harper likes Jai," he giggled. I'd never thought about it, but now that Luke mentioned it, she always laughs at his jokes that aren't even funny.

"Yeah, I've noticed a bit, especially the other day when we where in maths, we all sit together, me, Jai and Harper, she always asks him for help and when he is giving her help she doesn't even pay attention, she just looks at him and smiles," I tell Luke.

"They're probably gonna hook up on this trip," he said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"We should probably start looking for wood now," he chuckled realising we had gotten carried away by the conversation.

I put my head down and looked around the ground for wood. I picked up a few pieces and gave them to Luke.

"So, like the look of anyone at Penola?" he asked me.

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