Chapter 44 - Million Dollar Houses

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AUTHORS NOTE: The house that they are going to share is the house that the Janoskians are currently living in now, just thought you should know!

Read the bold writing at the bottom, it's important.


"Seriously Daniel, what the fuck are you doing?" I asked Skip, furrowing my eyebrows as he raided through my wardrobe, trying on all my clothes and walking round my room in a couple pairs of my high heels. We were all pissing ourselves at him as he nearly fell over a few times.

"I'm just participating in a fashion show, fuck sake Chrissy, get with it," he replied as if it was obvious. I laughed even harder along with the others, then my mum came into my room with her laptop. She looked at Skip in confusion before sitting down next to me on the bed.

"I found a flat that might be suitable for you and Luke," she spoke quietly while everyone else carried on laughing at Daniel, Luke and I payed full attention to what my mum was saying. "It has three bedrooms, all suitable sizes, a lovely big kitchen with a built in dishwasher and tumble-dryer, two bathrooms, one of them is en suit for the master bedroom, a big garage in case you start driving, an it's all for the price of $525,000."

"And where are we gonna get the money?" I asked as she showed me the pictures of the flat. It looked really nice and homely, but it seemed like too much.

"I had a chat with Gina a few hours ago on the phone and she said we could go halfs and pay for it, other than that, you both will have to start paying for everything after the flat is bought."

"You would do that?" Luke asked her in disbelief, a huge grin growing on his face.

"Of course," mum exclaimed.

"Mum, you don't know how much this means to us, seriously, thank you so, so much," I cried in excitement as Luke and I engulfed her in a giant bear hug, listening to her muffled chuckles.

She soon walked out of my room with her laptop again, leaving the eight of us crammed in my room, Daniel still being the gremlin that he is.

"This is actually happening Luke, it's the beginning of our future," I whispered, a few tears threatened to fall onto my pale skin.

"And I'm glad to be spending my future with you," he replied, smiling softly as he caressed my cheek with his thumb.

"Sappy fucker," I winked, a few giggles escaping from my mouth as he began to tickle my waist. Soon enough he had me pinned down on the bed as I carried on laughing.

"Get a fucking room you assholes," James yelled jokingly.

"Fuck you Prune McSwineflu," Luke shouted back, a giant smirk plastered on his face as James lightly shoved him, causing Luke to get up off me and attack James. Soon enough, James and Luke were on my bedroom floor, having some sort of wrestling match while the others chanted "FIGHT".

"Fuck me, this is the shittest fight I've seen in my entire life," Jai groaned. "FUCK HIM UP JAMES."

"I swear to God, if you get any blood on my carpet I'll kill you," I warned them as they carried on rolling around the floor, punching and slapping and pulling each other's hair.


It was now 1am and the boys, Harper and Andrea were still at my house, my mum had gone to bed so we had to keep the tone down.

We had a massive discussion about LA. Luke and I will have the apartment while the rest of them will share a big house. We've been looking online for suitable houses in LA for the past two hours, and so far we came across a really big house with a pool, several bedrooms and a massive kitchen and living room.

"That house is amazing," Andrea stated as her and Beau cuddled into each other. I looked over to them and noticed that they were in my bed, what the fuck?

"Why the fuck are you in my bed?" I questioned them. They didn't reply, they both wiggled their eyebrows at me and that was that.

"I can definitely see us lot sharing that," Jai chimed in.

"How much does it cost?" Daniel asked as Luke tried to find the price of the house, tapping away at the keys on my laptop.

"A million," he finally stated. To be fair, that's quite cheap for a house that big in LA.

"How the fuck are we gonna pay for that?" Beau exclaimed, raising his eyebrows as Luke continued to flick through the pictures.

"We could all chip in for it I guess." Jai suggested, taking a Dorito out of the bag that was laying on my bed.

"Holy shit, Jai's eating Beau!" James yelled, causing everyone to erupt with laughter.

"Fuck off," Beau hissed.

"Right, if we all chip in to pay for the house, then we can call the guy who's selling it and arrange to go and see it, we can stay in a hotel for a few nights then when we know that we're definitely buying it we can get our parents to ship the rest of our stuff over to LA," Daniel explained to us, for once in his life he's actually said something rather smart.

"Sounds like a good plan." I smirked.

A few calls were made to everyone's parents, saying that they had found a house and that they were gonna call the seller, everyone's parents seemed happy with that so Jai went ahead and made a call.

We listened carefully as he chatted with the man, several "mhm"s and "yep"s and "okay"s were tossed around by Jai as we waited for him to end the call. Finally, he ended it and turned to look at us, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"We need to go to LA next week," he announced. The room was filled with loud gasps as we took the news in, and Luke immediately began to look for flights and book a hotel.

This should be fun.

I DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON WITH ME, I feel like my writing isn't as good, I don't have much motivation anymore but I'm still updating for you guys, your comments make me smile:)

I was halfway through writing this when I questioned myself, and I want everyone's opinions.

Would it be better if Luke and Chrissy lived in the house with them instead of the separate apartment, because they'd have to drive back and forth to the house and it would take too much effort to write in most chapters so should they live in the house as well?



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