Chapter 43 - Goodbye Penola

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AUTHORS NOTE: Okay so before you start reading I wanna tell you some of the ideas I have for an upcoming fanfic. It will definitely be about Jai Brooks but here are some ideas I have

1. The main character will be a really famous singer so she meets up with Jai and they write a song together and they end up falling in love, blah blah blah.

2. Jai and the main character have been best friends since they were little but then Jai gets himself into a serious car accident and goes into a coma for months.

3. Jai is the schools bad boy and sucks the main character into his world and she focuses on nothing else but her rocky relationship with Jai. Soon she becomes trouble due to the amount of attention payed towards Jai.

Leave your opinions in the comments and enjoy this chapter:)

"Shit," I murmured to myself when I realised that it was my last day at Penola. In a way, I kind of felt sad for leaving, I'll admit, I'd really miss all those times where I pissed around with the guys in class, and having all the banter with the teachers. Even though I hadn't been at Penola that long, I grew a love for it, I mean, it's where I made all my best memories.

I rolled out of bed and rubbed the crust out of my eyes, allowing my sight to adjust. Walking over to my wardrobe, I picked out my uniform, knowing that today would be the last time I would wear it. I sighed as I put on clean underwear and began to change into my uniform.

Half an hour had passed and I was staring at myself in the mirror, my makeup was kept natural, my hair was in a high ponytail, and my uniform looked flawless if I must say so myself, apart from the fact that I had a huge baby bump sticking out, I had to get a larger shirt a few days before because I was getting so big and my other one didn't fit anymore.

I decided that I would walk to school today, considering every other day I had got the school bus, so I wanted to walk there for a change.


Walking to school today, don't wait up for me at the school bus<3


You want me to walk with you?<3


I'll be fine:) love you<3

I stuck my earphones into my ears, grabbed my bag off the bed and walked out of the door, locking it behind me.

I took in everything around me as I journeyed towards school for the last time. The chilled morning air nipped on my skin, I tried not to mind though. As I inhaled and exhaled, I watched the steam travel out of my mouth and fly into the morning sky. It was a rather cloudy day, but I didn't mind.

I turned into the street that school was on, looking round at the familiar faces that I wouldn't have to see anymore, I'd soon be flying to LA next month with the best people in the world, and I couldn't be happier about that.


"As you all know, Chrissy is leaving us today to get ready for the baby," Mrs Black announced, causing everyone to turn and give me a comforting smile. Mrs Black was my favourite teacher, she had always been there when I had a problem, in fact, she was the first teacher I told that I was pregnant, and she couldn't have been more supportive.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" she asked.

"It's a baby boy," I chuckled as I felt my eyes becoming glassy.

"That's beautiful, we wish you the best for the future then, be sure to come back and visit us with the child," she smiled as she walked over and gave me a hug. I thanked her for everything before walking out of the classroom to find Luke and Jai waiting for me. Luke instantly slipped his hand into mine as we began walking to the cafeteria.

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