Chapter 33 - House To Ourselves

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❤️Chrissy's POV❤️


"See you guys later!" I said, as I watched everyone walk down the path. I turned to Luke who was still stood on my doorstep. "And I'll see you in about ten minutes." I gave him a quick peck on the lips and watched him disappear into his house, then I shut the door, and proceeded to get my stuff together for going to Luke's house tonight.

I got my satchel bag out from my wardrobe and threw everything I needed into it, including face wipes, tooth brush, face cream, make up, clothes for tomorrow and other things too. When I realised I was still in my pyjamas, I threw on one of Luke's white Lacoste t-shirts and one of his grey hoodies as well. I thought I would be smart, so I took a mirror selfie on snapchat and captioned it as, "I swear, everything I wear is Luke's..." with a laughing face then put it on my story.

I chucked my phone charger and laptop in the bag, fastened it, and put the bag on my shoulders. Then I switched the light off and jogged downstairs.

I opened the front door and saw the rain battering the grounds, so I put my hood up, shut the door and sprinted it across the road to Luke's house. I saw that Gina's car wasn't parked outside, so I opened the door, stepped inside the house and closed the door behind me.

"Get caught out in the rain?" Luke asked as he walked down the stairs shirtless.

"No shit," I sighed as I dumped my bag in the hallway. Luke giggled as he wrapped his arms around my waist and began kissing my neck softly. I moaned slightly and ran my hands lovingly through his hair. I felt his lips travel down past my neck to my collar bone, then I felt his hands slip into my pants, so I instantly slapped them away.

"Way to ruin a cute moment you spud," I laughed as I pushed him away gently, grabbed my bag and walked upstairs with it.

"You love it really Chrissy!" he called. I walked into his bedroom to find it clean and tidy for a change. I smiled and climbed up onto the top bunk of the bed, getting my laptop out of my bag.

Luke came into the bedroom with two cups of hot chocolate with marshmallows and cream. Wow, was a cutie.

"Luke, you're literally the best," I said, kissing him on the cheek and taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

"Aren't I just?" he smirked as he put his arm around my shoulder and scrolled through his twitter feed.

Ten minutes had passed since Luke made hot chocolate, and we were watching family guy in bed. He was spooning me and I felt his warm breath on the back if my neck which made me giggle.

There was sudden movement behind me, I didn't know what Luke was doing until he had his phone in my face with the flash on.

"What are you doing Luke?" I laughed as I covered my face with my hands.

"Filming you."


"Because I want to."


"And they say I've got a short temper," he laughed and turned the camera off. "It's uploaded to Keek now."

"You're a dick," I groaned as I turned to face him. He smiled and began to caress my cheek with his thumb.

"I can't wait to have this child with you," he whispered, looking deep into my eyes.

"Neither can I," I replied and kissed him on the lips. Before I knew it, he was on top of me, kissing my neck and collar bones. I ruffled his wild hair and twirled it around my fingers, as my other hand traveled up and down his back. He paused to lift my shirt up over my head, then he went back to kissing me. He then pulled my jeans off, and I was laying there in my underwear, but I didn't mind and neither did Luke.

I sat up and un clipped my bra, because last time he had some difficulty with doing it himself. I threw my bra across the room and watched Luke's face light up as he stared at my chest for a few seconds before he began kissing me again. He cupped my breasts with both his hands and massaged them softly, making me let out soft moans of joy. Whilst he did this, I unbuckled his jeans and pulled them off, so he was in his boxers. Soon, they were off as well.

After a few more minutes of playing around, I felt him enter me, giving me pleasure as he slowly went in and out of me. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he began to get faster, until my moans were load enough to fill the house. His breath began to get un-even, but he carried on. He leaned down to kiss my lips, soon his tongue was dancing around in my mouth, sending tingles around my body.

I gripped tight to his back while he was sliding in and out of me. My nails dug deep into his back, but he didn't seem to care. I watched his face for any sign of pain, but it didn't show. His breathing got louder and that's when I felt him pull out of me. He fell down beside me and we both stared up at the ceiling, our chests bouncing up and down as we gasped for breath.

"Wow," he whispered, still staring up at the white ceiling.

"Yeah, wow," I replied then giggled shortly afterwards. He turned onto his side to face me, pressed his lips against mine and we fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning, I woke up in Luke's bed with no clothes on. Memories of the night before came rushing back and a small smile appeared on my face.

I rolled over, expecting to see Luke laying next to me, but I didn't. I heard whistling coming from downstairs, and I smiled as the smell of bacon and sausages crawled up my nostrils.

I checked my social media sites before taking a quick selfie and uploading it to Instagram.

"@OhSnapItzChrissy: morning selfie in @lukebrooksofficial s bed, ooh cheeky;)"

I locked my phone and jumped down from the bunk bed, throwing on any shirt I saw on the floor, the one I chose happened to be a plain white one. I knew it was Luke's by the smell.

I walked downstairs into the kitchen, to see two plates on the table. The contents were bacon, eggs, sausages, beans, mushrooms and tomatoes. Woah, it smelled beautiful.

"Good morning," I smiled as I crept up on Luke and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Morning beautiful," he smiled as he placed a kiss on my lips. "Breakfast's ready."


Just because I'm nice, here's another chapter that took me like half an hour:) enjoy xoxo


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