Chapter 38 - Hospital Wards and Hospital Gowns

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❤️Chrissy's POV❤️

I practically ran through the hospital, trying to find the ward that Luke was in, when I stopped at a desk and asked the lady.

"Excuse me, would you be able to tell me what ward Luke Brooks is in?" I asked, rushing my words.

"Erm, yeah that's ward 15, just down the hall and to the left," she told me, smiling. I thanked her and began running again. I got to the end of the hallway and turned left, just like the lady told me, and saw him laying there, in a hospital gown and on his phone as usual.

"Luke," I called and hurried over to his bed. He looked up at me and smiled warmly. I engulfed him in a massive hug, I missed him so much.

"Hey Chrissy," he said, rubbing his hand up and down my back. We finally let go and I sat down on the chair next to his bed.

"I was worried sick Luke, anything could have happened to you!" I exclaimed, nearly in tears. "You could have died!"

"But I didn't, did I? I'm still here, just a broken leg, it's all fine," he replied comfortingly. "Sorry I couldn't get your McDonalds to you in time, I'm pretty sure it's all mushed up in my car but oh well."

"What did you get me?" I asked.

"A BBQ Chicken Ledgend Deluxe with a strawberry milkshake."

"That sounds good," I mumbled, just thinking about it made my mouth water.

"Mr Brooks, you're free to go," said a female voice, which I'm guessing was his nurse. She put Luke's clothes at the end of the bed and left the ward immediately.

"Shall I close the curtain while you change?" I asked him with a smile.

"Yeah, please," he smiled back. I dragged the curtain all the way over to the other side of the bed to give Luke some privacy and waited until he was finished. He had to walk with crutches for a six months while his leg healed properly, so I guess I'd have to take extra care for him.

"Come on then," I sighed, holding onto his arm as we slowly made our way out of the hospital. "I take it I'm gonna have to drive from now on."

"Sorry about that," Luke chuckled as we climbed into the car. I looked over to him and smiled, then pressed my lips against his softly.

"It's only temporary," I mumbled.


if you haven't already, check out my new Mazzi Maz fan fic and also follow me on twitter cause I'm thirsty




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