Chapter 6 - Drunk Truth

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"Okay, we'll see you guys at eight," I said to Luke, Jai, and Beau as Harper and I left the school grounds.

We got to my place, but mum wasn't home yet as she was at a meeting with her boss. So it was just me and Harper.

We ran up to my room and flung ourselves on my bed. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I looked to see who the text message was from.

1 New Message
From: Luke x

Tell Harper to look out the window, I can't cope :') x

"Harper, Luke wants you to look out the window for some reason," I said, a wave of confusion coming over me. She got up and walked over to my window, as soon as she did she started laughing hysterically. Actually, I don't know whether she was laughing or crying.

I joined her at the window to find Jai dancing in his room across the street butt naked. I don't think he knew that we were watching him, but he turned round, saw us and closed the curtains quickly.

After ten minutes of laughing really hard, we decided it was time to get changed. I went and got my dress from the laundry room and took it out of its bag. It looked so beautiful. I had to take Harper's dress back to my house the night before so she didn't have to carry it around school with her, so I got her dress and took it upstairs as well.

"I actually can't wait for this party! Hey, maybe you and Luke will be dating by the end of tonight," she said when I re-entered my room.

"I doubt it, he's going to be drinking, I'm going to be drinking, it wouldn't be the same if we were both drunk, then when we wake up the next day, you will be telling me everything that I can't remember. So not tonight," I replied. I stuck my iPod into the docking station and put my music on shuffle. The first song that came on was Beautiful Girls by Sean Kingston, an absolute classic.

Harper and I got changed into our dresses and took some pictures before we started on our make up and hair. I put some liquid eyeliner on and winged it out a little, followed by a coat of mascara. Just a simple look, but effective!

I then went onto my hair. I straightened it and put a purple head band on to match my dress and my shoes.

Harpers make up was like mine, but she made it different by applying a coat of nude liquid lipstick, she looked amazing. If Jai didn't fall at her feet tonight then I would be having strong words with that boy.

By the time we had gotten ready, it was around 8pm, so we began to leave for the party. I quickly shoved my phone and my jacket into my bag and we were ready to go.

We knocked on the door and waited eagerly. A few seconds later, we heard thumping coming down the stairs. The door swung open and Beau was standing in front of us.

"Hey girls, you both look hot as fuck! Come in, get a drink," he greeted us enthusiastically. We stepped into the house and walked into the living room to find about eleven or twelve people sitting on the floor and on the sofa. Everyone began to exchange their greetings, I was introduced to a few of Beau's friends who all seemed lovely, but I was looking for a particular familiar face. My eyes scanned the room until they paused on Luke sitting on the sofa. He was wearing black jeans, a Hollister top and a purple snap back. I walked over to him and sat down beside him. I could smell Hugo Boss on him, one of my all time favourites.

"Hey party animal," I beamed, giving him a warm hug.

"Hey Chris, I'm so happy you came," he sighed into the crook of my neck, his hand resting on my lower back, his other hand holding a bottle of Corona. "You up for a drink?"

"Uh, sure, what have you got?" I asked.

"Come with me we'll fix you something up," he winked, taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen. He opened the fridge and it was literally full to the brim with all kinds of drinks. "Take your pick."

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