Chapter 32 - Feels Like A Big Family

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❤️Chrissy's POV❤️

On my bedside table, my clock read 6:34am. I sighed as I wondered why I was up so early, and that's when I felt it.

"Shit," I muttered as I jumped out of bed and sprinted into the bathroom. I quickly lifted the toilet seat up and let all the vomit fall out of my system.

"Fucks sake," I sighed as I flushed the toilet and proceeded to brush my teeth. I walked back into my bedroom and buried myself underneath my covers. I felt safer, away from everyone else.

I began thinking about what my mum would say if she found out I was pregnant. Would she hate me? No... She's my mother, of course she wouldn't hate me. Maybe she might be a little disappointed, but I don't think there's anything I can do about that.

I stayed under my covers for a good two hours, just thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of being a mother, when my phone began to vibrate.

"Hello?" I answered with a sleepy voice.

"Chrissy, it's Andrea. I think we should all have a movie day at your house if your mum is working," Andrea said, her voice filling my head.

"Erm, yeah sure, what time?"

"That's up to you."

"Okay, I'll send everyone a message now then, come round earlier than the others though."

"Okay, I'll see you soon then."

"Okay, bye," I smiled and ended the call. I sighed as I locked my phone and began to get ready.

Seeing as it was going to be a movie day, I decided that I didn't have to wear anything spectacular. So I threw on some grey jogger bottoms and an old Hollister shirt. I began rummaging through my underwear draw and pulled out a pair of fluffy pink socks, the kind that you could have so much fun with on a tiled floor.

I proceeded with my hair and make up, keeping it simple. I dabbed on a little bit of concealer under my eyes and threw my hair up into a messy bun, done!

As I flopped myself down onto my bed, I heard the door knock, so I jogged down stairs and opened it.

"Hey Chrissy," Andrea greeted me warmly as she stepped inside, taking her shoes off and placing them neatly beside the wall.

"Hey, when are the others coming?" I asked, following her into the living room.

"They should be here in about an hour, so that leaves us enough time to get the snacks together!" she giggled and walked into the kitchen. I watched her raid my cupboards for about five minutes until she had enough food to fill us all up. She turned, smiled and walked back into the living room to place the food on the floor. The spare time we had was spent dancing around the house until we heard the door bell ringing. I proceeded to answer it and soon my house was filled with the best people in the world.

We sat around the living room, watching Ride Along, everyone was happy, enjoying each other's company. That's what I cared about most that day.

I was focusing on the film when Luke began sliding his hand up my shirt.

"And what do you think you're doing mister?" I whispered, trying not to interrupt the movie.

"Rubbing your stomach," he whispered back in reply, a lovely soft smile on his face as his warm hands caressed my belly. I closed my eyes and began to relax, and then I started to fall asleep.

"Don't fall asleep now, we're half way through the movie!" Luke said, nudging my shoulder.

"Fine," I sighed as I struggled to stay awake, resting my head on his chest.


"That was the best movie I've seen in a long time!" Skip exclaimed as he clapped his hands together several times.

"What should we do now then?" James asked, taking a Dorito from the bowl.

"I think we should play a good old game of hide and seek," said Harper, who was in the arms of Jai. They were so cute!

"Yeah!" everyone cheered.

"Ugh, do we have to?" I groaned.

"Come on lazy ass," Luke laughed as he pulled me up off the sofa. "Who's counting first then?"

"I will!" Jai volunteered as he jogged into the kitchen and shut the door. "You have fifty seconds to hide. GO!"

Almost instantly, everyone rushed around the house quietly, trying to find somewhere to hide. I ran upstairs into my bedroom, closed the door and slid underneath my bed. About ten seconds later, I heard Jai's voice bellowing out from downstairs.

"READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!" I could almost see the devilish grin on his face.

I waited and waited and waited until my bedroom door swung open. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing. But it wasn't Jai.

"Luke, what are you doing here?" I shouted at him in a whisper.

"There was no where else to hide," he replied as he slid under the bed beside me.

"Fucks sake Luke," I sighed, as I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

"Sleep at mine tonight, everyone's gonna be out until tomorrow after noon, Jai's sleeping at Daniel's and mums going to her mates. We could have a house all to ourselves."

"Ooh, sounds tempting," I winked as I pressed my lips against his. His tongue asked for entrance into my mouth, so I accepted and out tongues danced together for about five minutes until the bedroom door swung open with a thud and everyone came stumbling in.

"Do you guys mind?" I exclaimed as I watched them awkwardly stand up and walk out. Luke and I laughed, then we got back to where we were.



I am actually so so so fucking sorry I don't know how to explain how sorry I am. I'm such a bad writer wow.

I read every single comment you guys post on my story and they all make me smile so much:):)

A lot of personal stuff has happened over these last few months and I just hope you can all forgive me and we can eat cake made out of rainbows and smiles and yay:)

Anyway here's another chapter for you until the next one. Enjoy, my babies:)

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