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So that's the end of The Boy Next Door! There's just a couple of things I'd like to say before I leave this story and mark it as completed!

First of all, I just would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has voted and kept up to date with this fan fiction over the years. I was really young when I started to write this, and I never in a million years would have expected it to gain over 600,000 reads. I truly am absolutely bewildered as to how that has actually happened, because when I began to write this, my story writing skills, as well as my grammar and punctuation skills were absolutely terrible! I've gone through a lot of the chapters and edited the mistakes out and taken certain bits out that weren't really necessary, hopefully I've made it a bit easier to read, cause I know how painful it is to read a story that is ridden with spelling mistakes and what not.

Another thing I'd like to address again, is the amount of time I've been away from Wattpad. It really is unacceptable. I think I started writing The Boy Next Door in 2014, and the fact that I've only just managed to get it finished four years later is BAD. I'm seventeen now, and I think now that I've grown older I've realised the importance of consistency, and I don't think thirteen-year-old me grasped it at all. But I'll be back a lot more frequently from now on, even if you guys don't wish to see more stories from me, that's fine! But I refuse to let a passion of mine die just because I don't have a lot of spare time anymore.

I wanna address a few other things directly about The Boy Next Door. Reading your comments has given me A LOT of feedback, and I've managed to pick out some of my own mistakes while reading through it a few times. Some of you have been harsher than others in the comments but I appreciate it so much, that's why I've gone back and corrected the mistakes woven throughout the plot.

1. When I had Chrissy listen to one of the songs by the Janoskians and text Luke informing him that she was listening, and then a few chapters later she said that she didn't know who the Janoskians were. WHAT THE FUCK LMAO literally I was so stupid back then, that's so dumb of me, SORRY!

2. I literally used to write so much about the characters texting each other! I look back at all the old chapters that I wrote when I was younger and I say aloud to myself, Megan, how could you think that people actually give a shit what they're texting each other??

3. I wrote a lot about what the characters were wearing but without including a lot of description. It's not even the description thing that bothered me as I read through it all, it's the fact that I wrote about what the characters were wearing WHEN IT LITERALLY HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING (also the way I "dressed" the characters when I was thirteen was really tragic).

4. When the characters moved out to LA I said it was snowing in one of the chapters LOL. I really don't have an excuse for that, despite being from the UK where it snows most winters, I was just stupid as fuck and thought it snowed everywhere!

5. When I gave Sam Pepper a part in the story. Now, this is really a big one for me, because when I wrote that chapter I was probably thirteen or fourteen, and I didn't watch a lot of Sam Peppers videos but I knew that the Janoskians had been friends with him. At that time I didn't know what vile, horrible things Sam Pepper had done to young girls, and when I found out about them I wasn't active on Wattpad at the time, so I had obviously forgotten that I had given him a part in the story in the first place. I really am sorry if I caused anyone to feel uncomfortable while reading that chapter. I haven't gotten around to editing that chapter yet, but when I do, believe me, I will be removing the parts with him in it!!

So, I think that's just about everything. I hope you've enjoyed reading this, make sure to comment, vote and add it to your library, it really means a great deal to me! Thank you all so much for your love and support! If you wish to carry on reading some of my work, I have an unfinished Beau Brooks fan fiction, an unfinished Jai Brooks fan fiction and also my very own non fiction love story that I've just started! Make sure to check those out!



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