Chapter 23 - Just The Two Of Us

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❤Chrissy's POV❤

I woke up to the sound of giggling coming from my left. I fluttered my eyes open and saw that Luke was watching me sleep.

"What?" I asked him tiredly as I turned over in the bed to face him.

"Nothing, it's just so cute when you sleep," he giggled again. I wrapped both hands around his neck and kept my body warm by coming closer to his so there was no gap between us.

"What can we do today?" He mumbled into my shoulder, his hot breath warming my whole body.

"We can have a lazy day?" I suggested, tracing circles on his shoulder blade.

"And we can watch some movies, I think everyone else is going home today, Beau and Jai are going over to Daniel's house, so it will be just the two of us," he told me, I knew he was smiling.

"Good," I breathed, kissing him gently on the lips. Our lips moved together in sync as he ran his fingers through my hair lovingly. We cuddled into each other for around ten minutes before I decided to freshen up.

"Can I use the shower?" I asked him, picking up my bag and turning to face him.

"Of course," he replied, standing up and putting his shirt on. I stood up, kissed him on the cheek and walked into the bathroom to have my shower.

After I was feeling refreshed and what not, I climbed out of the shower, wrapped a towel round me and entered Luke's room again. He was standing there on his phone with his top off, listening to Lil Wayne.

"Oh hey," he greeted me simply. I don't think he realised that I needed some privacy.

"Erm.. Do you mind?" I asked awkwardly. He looked up and finally understood what I meant.

"Oh shit, sorry," he chuckled as he kissed my lips gently and exited the room.

I got changed back into my pyjamas and threw my hair into a messy bun. I didn't bother with my makeup because I was just going to be sitting in the house all day. I walked downstairs and into the living room to find Luke lounging on the couch underneath a blanket.

He opened the blanket so there was space for the both of us. I smiled and climbed in next to him, instantly feeling safe and secure.

"I made pancakes," he told me softly, pointing to the coffee table. There was a pile of pancakes covered with chocolate syrup and icing sugar.

"Luke, you didn't have to!" I exclaimed, just looking at the pancakes made my mouth water.

"I wanted to!" he insisted as he reached over to the pancakes, picked one up and basically shoved it all in his mouth. Charming. "Have one!"

I sighed, took one from the pile and bit into it.

"Luke! This is so good!" I complimented his pancakes as the flavours traveled all around my mouth.

"Good enough to be the new Gordan Ramsey?" He asked hopefully.

"Ha! Maybe," I laughed as I ate my pancake happily.

"We should order loads of food, like Indian, Chinese, Italian, we should get all the food we want and just have a sloppy food day along with a lazy day!" He suggested, his eyes gleaming as he thought about all the food he had just mentioned.

"Yeah, but before we do that we should at least go to the shops and get tons of junk food," I said, holding my hand up for a high five. He gasped at my idea and slapped my hand.

"Good thinking Sherlock," he winked.

After we had finished the pancakes, we headed out to the nearest super market to get some food for the day. When we got there, we immediately went to the sweet isle.

"Oh my Jesus, look!" I squealed pointing to a packet of Rainbow Drops.

"What the fuck are they?" Luke asked as he eyed the packet of sweets in my hands.

"Rainbow Drops, I thought that they only sell in England, but apparently I'm wrong." I explained, gazing at the sweets lovingly. I dropped them into the shopping trolley and carried on browsing.

We got TONS of stuff. Two big tubs of ice cream, two massive bags of Doritos, loads of candy, chocolate, two bottles of coke and a packet of donuts.

"Come on, lets go home," he said, slipping his hand into mine as we walked in the direction of his house.

Just as we neared the house, a couple of girls came rushing up to us and asked for a picture.

"Oh my god! Can we have a picture with you guys?" One of them squealed.

"Sure," Luke smiled as I stood out of the picture shot, allowing them to take pictures with Luke.

"No, I want a picture with you as well Chrissy," the girl smiled as she pulled me back into the picture. The girl taking the photo finally captured it and it was her turn to have a picture.

"Thank you guys so much!" They thanked us politely. "Oh, and just ignore the haters who don't ship you guys."

"Aw we appreciate your support girls, have a nice day," Luke smiled as we started to walk back to the house.

Once we got in, we put the bags in the living room and somehow started to play fight. I gently kicked Luke's chest several times before he grabbed my hands and slapped my face with them.

"Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?" He teased. He repeated the process about twenty times before I had had enough.

I pulled my wrists out of his hands, grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down onto the couch as I began to straddle him.

"Dick," I stated, a smirk crossed his face.

"You love me really," he laughed sticking his tongue out.

"You never know, I could hate your guts for all you know."

"If you did you wouldn't be in this position," he grinned. I got off of him and began rummaging through the bags until I found my beloved rainbow drops. I ripped them open and began throwing them up in the air and catching every one in my mouth.

"Holy shit, your nearly better than me!" He exclaimed as he watched me catch every one.

"Well, I do try," I boasted as I flipped my hair dramatically. "Should we put a movie on?"

"Yeah, what do you wanna watch?" He asked as he stood up and walked to where the movies were located.

"What horror films have you got?"

"Sinister, Insidious, Saw The Final Chapter, Drag Me To Hell, The Thing, Grave Encounters..."

"SINISTER!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down on the couch.

"Sinister it is then," he smiled as he put the disk into the DVD player and sat back down on the couch next to me. I pulled a blanket over us and snuggled up to Luke as we concentrated on the film. I dipped my hand into the Doritos bag and pulled out a chip. I was about to shove it in my mouth when Luke grabbed my wrist, pulled it up to his mouth and ate the chip.

"Idiot!" I shouted at him while he started to chuckle at me. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me down so that we were now lying on the couch.

"I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"I love you too," I replied, twisting my head towards him and kissing him softly on the lips.


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