Chapter 37 - Smells Like a Car Accident

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❤️Luke's POV❤️

It was about half two in the morning and I was standing in McDonald's, choosing a late midnight meal that Chrissy might like. I figured that she might want quite a bit since she's dining for two for a while now. So I ordered the BBQ chicken legend deluxe, fries and a strawberry milkshake. She'd thank me for that one I bet.

I handed the lady the money and told her to keep the change. I then took the food out of the store and carried it to the car, and I may or may not have stolen a few chips, but don't tell Chrissy that.

The drive home was chill, I had Smells Like Teen Spirit on by Nirvana, what a song! I was quietly singing along to the lyrics and tapping my finger in beat on the steering wheel when my head jerked forward and everything went completely dark and I heard muffled car alarms.


❤️Chrissy's POV❤️

The lyrics of the song Don't by Ed Sheeran traveled through my ears as I waited for Luke to return home with my food. It had been over forty five minutes, I mean it doesn't take that long to get food at nearly three in the morning.

More time went by and I began to get extremely worried. Another ten minutes went by when my phone started to ring, I didn't recognise the number but I answered it anyway.


"Hello, this is Royal Melbourne Hospital, is this Chrissy Clarke on the phone?"

My heart instantly dropped as Luke popped into my head.

"Y-yes," I stuttered.

"Your boyfriend Luke Brooks has been involved in a road accident about twenty minutes ago, it wasn't fatal but it caused some damage to his left leg, nothing major though, just broken."

I sighed with relief because I knew nothing terrible had happened to him.

"So when will he be coming home?" I asked, my voice slightly shaky.

"We are keeping him over night to treat his leg and he should be good to go tomorrow noon."

"Okay, thank you," I said and ended the phone call. I locked my phone and fell back onto my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I was upset because I wouldn't be able to see him until tomorrow, no more cuddles and shit for a bit.

I turned over onto my side and saw one of his hoodies that had been here for a few weeks and he'd kept forgetting to take it home.

Suddenly, and idea popped into my head. I grabbed the hoodie and covered one of my pillows with it, so the pillow looked like it was wearing Luke's hoodie. I zipped it up at the front and snuggled with it, taking in Luke's scent as I tried to get back to sleep. It wasn't the same, but it would do until tomorrow.


I know it's extremely short but I didn't have any ideas plus I've been caught up in a bunch of shit and my mind it boggled and I hate myself for leaving you hanging for like a month.

Shoot me if you like.

No don't really.
But I've missed you guys a lot and I hope you still like me lmao.



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