Chapter 46 - Home Sweet Home

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"The rest of your stuff should be at the house now, along with everyone else's stuff, so you're good to move into the house for real now!" Mum told me on the phone. I was sitting by the hotel pool with Andrea and Harper while the boys were in the gym, the hotel life was quite relaxing, I must admit.

"Seriously? That's great news Mum! Thank you so much!" I squealed in excitement. The house was finally ready to move into, I had to go tell the boys immediately.

"You're very welcome Chrissy. Anyway, I must let you go because it's nearly 11pm over here in Melbourne, have fun in the new house."

I ended the phone call after saying goodbye and began screaming again. Andrea and Harper must have got the message because in the end, we were all jumping up and down with joy. Well, I wasn't of course, but I certainly wished I was.

"Come on, we have to tell the guys," Harper shrieked as she and Andrea began running off towards the hotel, leaving me behind next to the pool. I sighed and called for them to come back, obviously I couldn't run well anymore.

"Guys! A little help would be nice?" I called. They came rushing back and linked arms with me, helping me walk into the hotel gym.

"Dudes, our stuff has been delivered to the house, we're free to go!" Harper yelled when we got to the gym. The guys turned round and ran up to us, engulfing us in hugs when soon we became part of one gigantic group hug.

"Guys I'm so glad that we're finally moving in together, it's gonna make us all so much closer," Andrea sighed, a warm smile planted on her face as we all agreed.

"Well let's go pack and get the fuck out of here!" Beau yelled in excitement. We cheered once again and went back to our hotel rooms to pack our shit up and leave.

"This is so exciting," I exclaimed as I walked hand in hand with Luke to our hotel room. Once we got there, we got our suitcases from under our bed and began putting our clothes and electronics into it, getting more and more hyped by the second.

I was halfway finished packing when I felt a familiar sharp pain in my stomach, the cheeky monkey was at it again.

"Ouch," I sighed, my breathing hitched as I felt each kick. Luke hurried over and knelt down in front of me, placing his hand over where his foot was pushing. He laughed quietly before pressed a warm, gentle kiss on my tummy, making my heart flutter. I must say, even though we are both nearly eighteen, Luke would make such an amazing father, these thoughts made me even more excited for the arrival of the baby boy.

"I've been thinking about names again," Luke whispered, standing up so he was level with me. "I like Zachary."

I smiled widely as he took my hands in his and pressed a sweet kiss on my lips. "That's a beautiful name Luke."

"I'm just finding it hard to believe that all of this is real," he spoke quietly, looking down at the ground then meeting my eyes again.

"Well start believing it because it is real," I giggled. "Come on, we have to finish packing."

Once we had finished putting our things in the suitcases, we met up with the others out in the hallway and walked down to check out of the hotel, soon enough, we were in a taxi on our way to our new home.

"Look, it's Sam!" Beau exclaimed, pointing out the window to a tall boy with curly dark hair and glasses. I was oblivious as to who he was, but obviously they knew him. Beau rolled down the window and began shouting to Sam.

"Oi Sam! Sam Pepper you cunt!" he yelled. Sam realised who was calling him and gave Beau the thumbs up, a huge grin on his face.

"What? Sam was outside?" Jai asked in confusion. He looked out the window but Sam was far behind us by now.

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