Chapter 42 - LA

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AUTHORS NOTE: I will admit, this isn't one of my best written chapters, my heads been all over the place lately, I'm sorry.

"So what I'm asking is, do you want to move in with me?"

I glared at him, honesty filled his beautiful, brown eyes as I tried to figure out if this was real or not. Moving in with Luke seemed great, we would have enough space for the baby, and we would also have privacy. He is part of the Janoskians, they'd bound to have tons of offers to move out to fancy cities and stuff. But leaving mum behind seemed surreal, what would she do? She'd be all alone, unless she found someone new?

Ugh, I was getting carried away with myself again, must be the hormones.

"How? What about college?" I exclaimed, a smile crept onto my face at the thought of having a house with Luke. All to ourselves.

"I was gonna tell you sooner but Ronnie has a plan to move us out to LA. He thinks it would be good for publicity or something, you could come with us and we could get a little apartment to ourselves while the boys can share a house, we could easily visit them everyday if we wanted to," he smiled as he explained it to us all.

"And what about Mum and Gina, hmm? We can't leave them in Melbourne, and what about Harper and Andrea?"

"It's not like our mums would be alone, they're good friends, they wouldn't be alone, and as for Harper and Andrea, we've almost finished school so they could come out and start university, it's all simple."

"I don't know Luke, I-"

"Think how good it would be for the baby, out in LA, it would be a whole new different lifestyle for him."

He had a point. It was rather boring in Melbourne, whereas in LA he would have so many different opportunities, and he was right about mum and Gina, they would have each other. He seemed to have it planned out so well, as if he'd been thinking about it for months, I guess I could ask my Mum.

"Right, I will talk about it with my Mum and I'll think about it," I smirked.

"So that's a yes then?" he grinned, placing his hands on my waist.

"I've not said yes or no yet Luke," I chuckled.

This was really happening.


"Hey mum," I smiled as I walked into the living room, she was in a really happy mood tonight so I guess this was the right time to talk about LA.

"Hey, what's up?" she smiled back, making room for me on the couch as I sat down beside her and crossed my legs.

"I wanted to talk to you about something quite important," I sighed, staring out of the window as I sensed her beginning to worry.

"Of course, go ahead."

"Well, as you know, Luke and I have a baby on the way, and it would be pointless having him stay over here one night then stay at Luke's another night. Anyway, Ronnie suggested to the boys that they move to LA, I'm not entirely sure why, but Luke says it should be good for the baby, there are so many opportunities LA has to offer for him, Luke as well, it's his job. So all I'm asking is if I can move out to LA, I could visit you whenever you want me to, this sounds like a really great idea mum, for all of us."

"And what about school?"

"I'm leaving school in two weeks because of the baby, so it's all planned out."

"In my opinion, I don't have a problem with that," she smiled.

"Seriously?" I shrieked, I was in completely disbelief that she had actually said yes to me moving out to LA with the boys. Is this real?

"Seriously." she nodded.

"Mum, you're the best," I cried, my smile wide enough to rip right through my cheeks as I hugged her tight. "You can even come visit when I'm about to go into labour, I want you at the birth of my kid."

"I'd happily do that. I love you darling."

"I love you too mum."

In that moment, I swear, I felt like my whole life was finally coming together.

I ran up the stairs and close the door behind me when I reached my room, instantly grabbing my phone and writing a text to Luke.


Guess who's coming to LA with you guys!!<3


No way! Seriously?!<3


Yes!:) <3


I love you so much Chrissy, I want to spend the rest of my life with you<3


I love you too<3


"He asked you to move with him to LA?" Andrea gasped.

"Yeah, it all seems so right, my mum said I could go," I sighed as I stared out of the Starbucks window, sipping on my Caramel Cream Frappucino.

"But what about us? You're just gonna leave us here like that?" Harper exclaimed, raising an eyebrow at me in annoyance.

"You can come with us, the rest of the boys are moving as well."

"Well, school is finishing next month, I guess we could move in the holidays," Andrea shrugged. "You'll have to leave in a few weeks anyway, this is all smoothly coming together, isn't it?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "Me and Luke were thinking about getting an apartment to ourselves while you lot can share a big house, how does that sound?"

"That sounds like a plan," Harper grinned. "We'll have to talk about it as a group though."

"I agree," I smirked.

Hey guys! What do you think of this chapter? Leave your opinions in the comments and please leave suggestions for names cause I'm literally stuck on what to call it.

Btw, I have so many ideas for upcoming chapters, so keep your eye open:)

Love you

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