Chapter 27 - Surprise!

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❤Chrissy's POV❤

I woke up from my deep sleep by the sound of the birds chirping outside in the morning sun. It's been two weeks since Luke had told me he was coming home in another month, and it's been the slowest amount of time in my life.

I sat up in bed and rubbed the crust out of my eyes. I reached for my phone, unlocked it and noticed that it was Saturday. I did a little happy dance, realising that I didn't have to get up for school.

I climbed out of bed lazily and headed downstairs to eat some breakfast. When I reached my destination, I poured some Cornflakes into a bowl, poured the milk in, got a spoon and sat down at the table.

After I had finished my breakfast, I decided to go out for a morning jog seeing as there was nothing else to do. I put my dishes in the sink, headed up stairs and got changed into my yoga pants and an Abercrombie hoodie.

I turned my phone off because I didn't want any distractions. So instead I grabbed my iPod and earphones from my desk and shoved them into my pocket.

I jogged downstairs and out the door, ready to begin my run.


When I got home from my run along the country side at the back of my house, I ran upstairs and turned on my phone. I was notified with five new messages.

From: Skip

'can I use my Australian dollars in Canada?'

To: Skip

'No Daniel, you can't.'

From: Beau

'Do you like surprises? ;) x'

To: Beau

'Depends ;) why? X'

From: Luke x

'Missing you :( wont be long now my princess xxx'

To: Luke x

'Miss you too :( just another few weeks xxx'

From: Harper

'Can I come over? I'm in a shitty mood :( x'

To: Harper

'Yeah of course! Come round now x'

From: Skip

'well I know now, the lady behind the counter gave me a look as if I was on cocain or something'

Just as I was about to reply, the doorbell rang through my house.

"It's open!" I called, knowing that it would be Harper. I heard the door open but I didn't bother turning around.

"What's up then?" I asked Harper, walking into the kitchen. She didn't answer. "Are you going to tell me or-"

Before I could finish my sentence, someone's hand covered my mouth from behind and they held my waist close to their body. I tried screaming but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break free from their grip.

They let go of me and I quickly spun around. But it wasn't a murderer. It wasn't a kidnapper. It was a person who I had been longing to see for a whole month.

"Luke?" I whispered, my voice wavering with shock.

"It's me baby," he smiled. That smile I had been waiting to see for ages, and now I finally have it. A tear of joy rolled down my cheek as I gently touched his face, making sure he was real and it wasn't just some crazy dream. I pulled my hand away and covered my mouth, hardly able to believe that this was happening.

"How did you-"

Before I finished what I was about to say, he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer and closer so there was no gap between our bodies. He crashed his lips onto mine, driving me crazy as I hadn't been able to feel this feeling in what seemed like forever. He pulled away after a few seconds and hugged me tightly. I let his scent travel up my nostrils, his smell was the most comforting smell in the whole entire world.

"I've missed you so much," I blubbered as a fresh load of tears escaped from my eyelids and made their way onto his baggy jumper.

"You don't know how much I have missed you Chrissy," he mumbled into the crook of my neck, caressing my back gently.

"I thought you weren't coming back until three weeks?" I remembered what he told me on Skype when he was in Chicago.

"It was all set up," he smirked as he pulled away.

"I love you so much," I mumble, another tear of joy rolling down my cheek. I heard some low murmurs coming from the doorway, so I turned around and there I saw Harper, Jai, Beau, James and Daniel. The boys smiled at me and pulled my towards them for a group hug.

"We've missed you all loads," James exclaimed. After I had given everyone an individual hug, we went into the living room and had a big movie night. I felt so comforted knowing that I had everyone I cared about beside me. It was all I needed.


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