Chapter 3 ~ Car

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"Hello?" I croaked into my phone as I sat up in bed.

"Hey, what time will I come over at? The boys are picking us up at one o'clock today," asked Harper.

"Come over in about an hour. I'll start getting ready now," I told her and hung up the call.

I leaped out of my bed and stuck my iPod into the docking station and put my music on shuffle. I undressed myself and jumped into the shower.

Feeling refreshed I climbed out after about ten minutes and went to dry my hair off, stick it up in a basic ponytail and apply basic make-up. (Mascara, liqued eye-liner and lip gloss)

I opened my closet and I was about to take one of my favourite sparkly tops out but realised we where going camping so I didn't need to look like I was going to meet the Queen. Instead I threw on a plain black vest top, some jogging bottoms and some sneakers.

I began to pack my bags. The night before I was so worried that something tragic might happen, like I would forget to bring toilet paper or maybe forget to bring deoderant. So I made a check list of all the stuff I needed and I checked it off as I went along.

After all the objects where ticked off I quickly ran through the items again.

Tent, yes.

Sleeping bag and pillows, yes.

Toilet paper, yes.

Baby wipes, yes.

Clean clothes, yes.

Clean underwear, yes.

Hair brush, yes.

Extra hair ties, yes.

Marshmallows, yes.

I had everything I needed in one huge back pack. I grabbed my phone and was about to check my twitter when the door bell rang.

I skipped down stairs and opened the door and straight away I was attacked by Harper giving me a massive hug.

"Hey! I'm so excited right now, oh my God, I can't wait! Oh my goodness!" she squeeled inviting herself into my house.

We sat in the living room for a bit, scrolling through our phones until I got a call from Luke.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, we're outside, we brought Beau's seven-seater so we can all fit in the same car," he told me.

"Okay, cool! We're on our way out," I said standing up and gesturing Harper to stand up too. I pressed the end button, slipped my phone back into my pocket and walked into the hallway to collect our bags, Harper following closely behind.

We had everything we needed so we stepped out of the house. While I was locking the door Harper was already making her way to the car.

"Wait up!" I called on her as I put the door keys underneith the door mat and hurried after.

Harper had climbed in beside James so there was only one seat left at the very back, and that was next to Luke.

"Hey," he smiled as I stumbled into the back seat with him.

"Hey, you excited?" I ask smiling back at him.

"Yep," he replied, popping the 'P'.

We turned away from each other awkwardly. Little did Luke know that I knew he liked me. If he knew, he would be so embarrassed. But I don't mind him having a little crush on me. What I am worried about is that it could be more than a crush. For all I know, he could be planning out his life with me.

After about ten minutes into the road trip, I looked over to my left to find a sleepy Luke half asleep. Look at his gorgous hair. And his lips... No! I have to stop thinking like this. Or I'll just get carried away, then one thing will lead to another and I will be crying into my pillow because I allowed some dumb teenage boy to break my heart.

I took my phone out and plugged my earphones in, wanting to distract myself from my thoughts about Luke.

I put my music on shuffle and Just Lose It - Eminem came on but it was louder than usual. Everyone turned to face me and I realized my earphones weren't plugged in properly.

"Oops, sorry!" I apologized to the others, frantically fumbling as I attempted to plug my earphones in correctly.

"No it's fine! Leave it on!" Skip laughed, dancing in his seat. Skip and I sang loudly to it while the others were becoming irritated.

"No worries, papa's got a brand new bag of toys. What else could I possibly do to make noise? I done touched on everything, but little boys. That's just a stab at Michael, that's just a metaphore, I'm just physco. I go a little bit crazy. Sometimes I get a little bit out of control with my rhymes!" we dueted loudly.

"Will you shut the fuck up?!" James bellowed at us causing us both to giggle mischievously.

We stopped singing but we both knew that we were going to carry on when we were on this camping trip.

"Hey, should we make an Instagram video?" Luke asked me suddenly wide awake.

"Yes! Come on let's do it!" I agreed.

He took out his phone and opened Instagram, clicked on the little blue camera button and started filming.

"Hey guys it's Luke here, with a very special guest, Chrissy Clark! Say hi Chrissy," he introduced.

"Hey!" I cheered at the phone.

"So me, Chrissy, Harper and the boys are going camping so this should be fun, byeeee!"

He stopped it and we looked back at it. We were laughing so hard because in the background you could here James, Daniel, Beau and Harper arguing if the animals outside the windows were horses or cows.

"I swear to fucking God, that is a horse!" Beau exclaimed.

"It's not! You can clearly see the white fucking patches on its body!" Daniel shouted in his face.

"For fucks sake lets just call it a how or a corse!" James said getting irritated.

"To be honest, it does look like a horse..." Harper agreed with Beau. He smiled admiringly at her.


My eyes fluttered open from my nap. I lifted my head up and realised that I had been resting my head on Luke's shoulder. I quickly hauled myself up trying not to wake him.

I looked around the car and everyone was asleep accept Beau who was driving.

"Hey Beau, are we nearly there yet?" I asked hopefully.

"About a another hour and we'll be there," he answered. "So, you and Luke got something going on, huh?"

"What are you talking about?" I laughed nervously.

"Oh you have to be kidding me," he rolled his eyes at me through the rear mirror.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"It's obvious he likes you, it wouldn't take a genius to figure it out."

His words played back in my head.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.

It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.


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