Chapter 14 - Waking Up With Him

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♥Chrissy's POV♥

"Well, isn't this fancy!" I said as Luke and I sat down at our table. Despite the dimly lit restaurant, I could still just about make out the sparkle in his eyes as he gazed at me from across the table.

"I'm glad you like it," he said, taking my hand across the table and caressing it softly.

"Hello, can I get you both anything to drink?" a waiter came over to our table and asked politely.

"Uhh... What would you like?" Luke asked me.

"I don't mind," I smiled.

"No, you're the birthday girl! You have to choose," he insisted.

"No, I'll have whatever, I'm really not bothered."

"Okay, can we have a bottle of red wine please?" he asked the waiter. That was exactly what I wanted, sometimes I think he can read my mind.

"Yes, of course," the waiter responded. "I'll be back in a few moments to take your food orders." He walked over into the kitchen.

"I have something for you actually," Luke said as he put his hand into his coat pocket and took out a Swarovski box. Instantly, I gasped because whatever was inside the box must have cost him a fortune! A feeling of guilt washed over me as my eyes remained glued on the box, I really hated people spending their money on me.

He opened the box and revealed a stunning silver necklace with the letter 'C' on it. He carefully took it out of its box, got up out of his seat and came around to my side of the table so he could put it around my neck. I lifted my hair up out of the way so it didn't get caught in the clip.

"Thank you so much Luke, I mean... I'm honestly speechless right now," I said in a hushed voice as a tear slipped down my right cheek.

"Please don't cry, I don't like it when you cry," he said sadly.

"No, no, these are happy tears!" I reassured him as I brushed the tear away. "I love you so much."

"I love you more."


"Tonight was honestly one of the best nights of my life, thank you so much," I thanked Luke as we walked hand in hand down our street in the dark.

"It's alright, I had an amazing time. I just don't feel like our night should end here..."

"What do you mean?" I asked Luke curiously.

"I really need you by my side right now, so do you want to come back to my house?" he asked. I knew where he was taking this, and I wasn't stopping him. I grinned at him in the dark and crashed my lips onto his. We stood there in the middle of the empty street, deepening the kiss until we decided to take it inside.

Once we got into Luke's house, it didn't seem like anybody was in. He led me up to his bedroom, closed the door and began kissing me again. He tugged at my lip with his teeth and began exploring my mouth with his tongue. As for his hands, they found their way down to my ass and gripped me firmly, causing my breath to hitch.

He began to leave a trail of kisses all the way down my neck, occasionally biting and niggling at the softest parts. I bit my lip, urging myself not to let out a moan, but no matter how hard I tried, a moan loud enough to fill the house escaped from my mouth. Luke pulled away for a second and giggled at me before picking me up and carrying me towards his bed. He lay me down carefully before he made contact with my lips once again. Not breaking the kiss, I let his hands explore every inch of his body, for in that moment, I was completely his, and he was mine.

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