Chapter 40 - 18th December

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AUTHORS NOTE: Okay so before I start I'm just gonna ask you to check out my new fanfic, it's about Beau and I'm not gonna lie, it is quite smutty, so if you don't like stuff like that I don't recommend you read it!

Have a nice day:)

"Okay, now let's just check to see if the baby is nice and healthy," the nurse smiled as she put the cold jelly stuff on my belly and began rubbing it with the special tool thing that they normally use.

I grasped Luke's hand as we watched the monitor. I hadn't a clue what was going on on the screen, only the nurse knew that. I looked up at the nurse and saw that she had a worried expression on her face. She looked like she was panicking. Luke gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"Miss Clarke, I can't find a heartbeat," she announced. My heart sank and the tears began to fall.

"My baby," I cried as I buried my head in my hands. I looked up at Luke who was also crying, our baby was dead.

"I'm so sorry, I'll give you a moment alone." she said and exited the room. I was crying so hard at this point. My baby had died before I even met it, before I got to hold it in my arms.

"I can't find a heart beat..."

"I can't find a heart beat..."

"I can't find a heart beat..."

"NO! NO NOT MY BABY, NO!" I was covered in sweat and tears, surrounded by darkness. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

"Chrissy! Chrissy what's wrong baby?" Luke's voice calmed me, I couldn't see him because it was so dark my bedroom, but it soothed me a little.

"Our baby, it died in my dream, it died Luke!" I yelled, crying my eyes out. He cradled me in his arms until I calmed down.

"Listen, our baby is not dead, okay? It's just a nightmare, you're just nervous because the baby scan is tomorrow, everything is fine."

"What happened?" Mum exclaimed as she burst my bedroom door open.

"Nothing Miss Clarke, Chrissy's just worried about tomorrow," Luke replied, rubbing my arm.

"Oh, okay. Chrissy, it's natural to be worried about what gender your child is going to be, it's completely normal, but I'm telling you now, your baby is fine," she smiled.

"Okay, thanks mum," I said and she walked out and shut the door again.

"Try and go back to sleep," Luke whispered, wiping the tears from my face. "I'll keep you safe."

We laid back down on my bed and I snuggled into Luke's warm naked chest, and soon enough I fell back asleep.


❤️Chrissy's POV❤️

"Wakey wakey," I whispered to Luke, who was still sleeping next to me. He began shuffling around under the covers, then his eyelids fluttered open, revealing his sparkly brown eyes, staring right at me.

"Morning shit face," he winked, his voice husky and deep. He leaned in to kiss me, pressing his hot lips against mine. Tingles were sent all around my body as his cold metal lip ring brushed against my lips. I tugged on it playfully with my teeth before pulling away to look at him.

"Today's the day," I sighed as he pressed his forehead against mine. "I'm not sure what I want it to be."

"I'm not arsed, just so long as it's healthy," he replied. He had a point.

"Yeah, guess we better start getting ready then, the appointment is in an hour." I said as I hopped out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

After I was showered and my teeth were brushed, I looked at myself up and down in the long mirror. Yep, it was obvious that I was carrying around a little fetus inside me. My belly wasn't that big, but it wasn't small either, it still had a lot of growing to do.

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