Chapter 15 - Twitcam

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I wrapped a towel around my bare body, threw my damp hair into a ponytail and waltzed into Luke's room to dry off.

I was still really shy when I was naked around him, I knew I shouldn't be, but he made me so nervous sometimes. So every time I heard footsteps downstairs, I would make sure that nobody came in while I was getting changed into some of my own clothes that Luke had went to get from my house.

I quickly got changed into my clean clothes, put my hair up into a tight ponytail and walked downstairs to find Jai, Luke and Beau sitting in the living room. Jai and Luke were on their phones, and Beau was on his laptop. How sociable.

I sat down on the sofa beside Luke and checked my twitter while he put his arm around my shoulder.

"Fuck I'm so bored," Jai sighed as he threw his phone on the sofa and made a weird shape with his body. "Should we do a surprise twitcam?"

"Actually, we haven't done one in a while now, so I suppose we could," Beau said agreeing. "I'll set it up and send a tweet out."

Jai and Beau took the laptop and charged up the stairs with it so they could set up the twitcam, which left Luke and I in the living room alone.

He locked his phone and pinned me down on the sofa, yet again.

"Why are you so addictive?" he asked, smiling down at me.

"I don't know, you tell me." He laughed at my comment and reached down to give me a tender kiss, trying to pull the hoodie over my head again.

"Luke stop," I told him as I broke the kiss.

"Why?" he asked me, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"As much as I want you to, now isn't the time, we have to go help the guys with the twitcam," I said sitting up and wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Well when is a good time?" he asked, holding my legs in place.

"Tonight maybe?" I winked at him and giggled. He smiled at me, kissing me one last time before picking me up and carrying me up the stairs carefully.

We entered his bedroom to find that Beau and Jai had already started the twitcam.

"Ah, here they are," Beau said turning his head towards us. We sat down in front of the webcam and watched the questions roll in.

"@DopeyJai asked how long have Chrissy and Luke been together now," Jai announced, both him and Beau turning and looking at us.

"Uh, about two months I think," Luke said putting his arm round my waist.

"Aww that's really cute," Jai cooed at us.

"Right next question," Beau said as he scrolled through all the questions that were coming through. "Okay, here is one for Chrissy. Where do you prefer, England or Melbourne?"

"Uh.. Defiantly Melbourne because the people are a lot nicer than the people in England," I answered the question, looking at the laptop screen.

"Aw, Chrissy thank you!" Beau squealed as he tackled me to the ground with a hug.

"Can't.... Breathe..!" I gasped as he put all his wait on me.

"Sorry," he apologised getting off me and continuing to answer the questions.

"@Janoskianator555 said, Luke, can you describe Chrissy in one word?" Once again, Jai and Beau's focus turned to us again.

"She's just perfect," he said pulling me into his arms and cuddled me from behind. The rest of the twit cam was just us dancing around randomly. We even got the fans to send in dares for the boys which was hilarious.

I went and sat on Luke's bed, scrolling through my twitter feed. People were tweeting stuff like 'OMFG IT'S SO CUTE' or 'can I just have their relationship?'

I was very happy that people had started to appreciate us, so I sent out a little thank you tweet.

I was about to reply to someone's tweet when Luke sat down next to me and wrapped me in his arms.

His body warmth was so soothing, it made me feel safe. He kissed my head and pulled me down beside him, so that we were both staring up at the ceiling. We stayed like that for ages, then I heard Jai's voice.

"Guys, you do know that the fans can see you on the twit cam?" he asked.

"Oh well," Luke said without a care in the world, kissing my lips softly.


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