Chapter 36 - Cravings

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Authors note: right this is gonna sound bad but can someone remind me if Beau and Andrea are dating? I know it's bad considering I've written this but it's been ages since I've checked over the older chapters. Please don't kill me.

❤️Chrissy' POV❤️

I woke up with a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Looking behind me, I saw Luke who was fast asleep, also, he was slightly snoring too which made me giggle. We must have gone back to his house after I ran away from the restaurant last night.

I gently pried his arms open and sat up in bed, stretching my arms out wide, yawning at the same time. It was around 9:45am, and Luke was still asleep. I decided not to wake him so I climbed down from the bunk bed and noticed that Jai was awake and on his laptop listening to music. He saw me looking, so he gave me a smile and paused his music.

"Morning," he smiled, I gave him a smile back and sat down on the edge of his bed. "Where'd you head off to last night?"

"Oh, I had to get away from Mum, I don't think she was too happy with me and Luke," I said quietly, staring at the floor.

"I'm sure she'll be more understanding when you fully talk to her about it. There's nothing to worry about," he assured me, giving me a comforting smile. Jai was like a brother to me, he was always there to talk to when I had problems, I loved him for that.

"Thanks Jai," I smiled and reached over to give him a hug. "Is Beau awake?"

"Yeah, he should be downstairs with Mum." And with that, I jogged downstairs into the kitchen to find Beau and Gina sipping on their cups of tea.

"Morning Chrissy," they both said at the same time.

"Hey," I chuckled, sitting down and rubbing my eyes with my palms.

"I spoke with your mum after you left, she said she was just a bit upset and that everything was going to be fine... But that was a really brave thing you did last night, I'm proud of you and Luke," Gina said, giving me a hug. I hugged her back and breathed in her perfumed scent.

"Thanks Gina, I'm gonna go home this afternoon and talk to her about things."

"Anytime, I'll make sure Luke is being supportive," she winked. I laughed. At that moment, we heard footsteps coming downstairs and only seconds later, Luke was standing in the kitchen with us.

"Morning everybody," his husky voice croaked out as his arms snaked around my waist from behind. His warmth soothed me so I closed my eyes and embraced him. Gina stared at us in awe, Beau on the other hand, did the complete opposite.

"Get a fucking room," he complained as he stuck his hand into the Cookie Crisp (A/n; it's a cereal in the UK, I'm not sure if you can get it anywhere else) box and stuffed his face with the cereal.

"Ey," Gina hissed jokingly as she playfully hit Beau in the arm. We all stayed in the kitchen for a while and talked about the most random things ever until Gina had to head off for work, so we had the house to ourselves for a little while, and we spent it by relaxing in the living room. I was lying on the couch with a blanket while the boys played FIFA competitively. I decided to take advantage of them, so I whipped out my phone and filmed them raging. Shortly after, it was uploaded to Instagram.


Quietly, I opened the front door to my house, and closed it behind me. There was a deafening silence for a moment, and that's when I heard Mum call out from the living room.

"Chrissy? Is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me," I sighed and walked into the living room to see her sitting on the couch reading a magazine of some sort. I sat down next to her and stared at one of the framed pictures of me above the fireplace.

"You were brave last night," she finally said after a few moments of silence. "I know I wouldn't have had the bottle to stand up and tell my parent I was pregnant."

"Well you were gonna have to find out sooner or later," I replied. "Do you hate me?"

"Of course I don't hate you!" she gasped and put down the magazine. "You know that I will always love you no matter what the decisions you decide to make."

"Thank you Mummy," I smiled and gave her a big hug as she stroked my hair soothingly.

"You really love him, don't you?" she asked, still stroking my hair.

"Yeah, I do."

"Something tells me that Luke will be with you until the end, I trust him," she smiled.


I was laying in my bed with Luke beside me, my mum let him sleep over seeing as I always sleep at his house. It was around two o'clock in the morning and I was craving a McDonalds so badly. I stared up at the ceiling, thinking of a big, juicy Quarter Pounder sandwich with bacon. My mouth began to water and my stomach made an extremely loud grumbling sound. Then, I felt Luke shifting around beside me, so i looked over to him and realised that he had woken up. Shit.

"What are you doing up?" he asked, poking me in the ribs.

"I'm hungry," I sighed, looking up at him with my famous puppy dog eyes.

"And just what are you hungry for?" he asked, raising his eyebrow and smirking.

"A McDonalds." Suddenly, he got up out of bed and began putting his jeans on. "Where are you going?"

"To get you a McDonald's, duh," he replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. My face lit up as I watched him out his shirt on.

"You're the best," I beamed up at him as he leaned down close to my face.

"I know," he grinned and placed his lips firmly on mine. "I'll be back in about half an hour."




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