Chapter 12 - The Perfect Gift

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♥Luke's POV♥

I paced up and down my bedroom, thinking and thinking about what I was going to do for Chrissy's birthday. Her birthday was tomorrow and I had been thinking for two whole days, it was as if there was some sort of traffic jam inside my head.

Suddenly, the door swung open and Beau was standing in the door way.

"What's up man?" he asked, casually flopping down on my bed.

"I'm freaking out man, I'm freaking out!" I yelled.

"About what?" he asked.

"I don't know what to get Chrissy for her birthday!" I threw myself down next to him, my head in my hands.

"Are you serious?" he questioned.

"Well, let's hear your idea, seeing as it's so easy for you," I exclaimed defensively, turning to face him and folding my arms.

"Just get her a necklace then take her out to dinner or something, simple!" he said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Well then can you drive me to the jewellery store in the city then?" I asked, already shoving my feet into my shoes.

"Well hurry the fuck up then," he sighed, retrieving his car keys from his pocket and heading downstairs.

I ran downstairs after him, jogged outside, climbed into the car and put my seatbelt on vigorously. I glanced over at Chrissy's house and saw her, Harper and Andrea strolling down the pathway.

"Shit, what if they're going into the city and they see us?" I started to panic.

"Relax Luke! They won't see us in the city, it's always crowded as fuck," he reassured me as he pulled out of our street.

"Thanks for doing this Beau, I appreciate it," I thanked him appreciatively about twenty minutes after we left our house. "Where should I take her for dinner?"

"What about that Indian restaurant that just opened up across from Hungry Jacks?" he suggested.

"Dude, do you know how much a curry costs from that place?!" I exclaimed.

"Hey, hey, if you want to impress her, then you have to pay up!"

"Well, I guess I could ask mum for a little bit of money," I said. We didn't talk for the rest of the ride. I was too busy thinking about Chrissy. Her eyes, her hair, her smile, the way she gets terrified when I pull little tricks on her, the way she kisses...

"Right, come on," Beau said opening the door. I looked out of the window and noticed we were right outside the jewellery store. I took my seatbelt off and climbed out of the car.

We entered the store and immediately walked straight over to look at the necklaces. There was so many to choose from, I didn't know what one she would like the most, didn't know if she preferred silver, bronze or gold.

"Hey, what about this one?" Beau said from the other side of the store. I walked over to see what he was talking about.

Behind the glass cabinet was a silver necklace with a diamond encrusted 'C' pendant, it was beautiful. I imagined her wearing it everyday, and I would remind myself, "I bought her that, she deserves that, and she deserves the whole world. I bought her that because she is the most down to earth person I know. I bought her that because she is beautiful. I bought her that because she is Chrissy."

"Excuse me? How much is this necklace?" I asked the woman behind the counter. She looked over and saw that I wanted her attention, so she walked over to us with a fond smile plastered on her face and began to examine the necklace.

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