Chapter 24 - News?

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I was sitting downstairs in the living room, on my own as my mum was at work ( surprise, surprise ) when my phone started to play As Long As You Love Me notifying me that I was getting a call from Luke.

"Hello?" I answered with my mouth full of marshmallows.

"Hey, can I come over? We need to talk." Worry filled his voice. My stomach instantly started to turn as the thoughts came rushing through my head, wondering what the news was.

"Uh, sure," panic filled my voice and that one thought stuck in my mind.

'What if he breaks up with me?'

"Okay, I'll be over in two minutes, love you," he spoke.

"L-love you too," I stuttered and ended the call. I began biting my nails like crazy, I was so nervous. I was never nervous when I was around Luke, but now it's changed. This could be the end of us. Everything we had. All gone...

"Oh shut up Chrissy! He hasn't even told you what the news is!" I hissed at myself.

I started to pace up and down the room when I heard the doorbell ring.

"Shit," I muttered as I walked into the hallway and opened the door and saw Luke standing there with a worried look on his face.

"Come in," I told him hesitantly as he stepped inside my house and walked into the living room. I closed the door and followed him in.

"So, what do you want to talk to me about?" I asked as I sat down next to him on the couch.

"So... You know how I'm part of the Janoskians? Well... We've been asked if we want to do a world tour..."

"That's great news!" I smiled, relieved. But when I saw the look on his face, he wasn't happy. "Isn't it?"

"That means I have to be parted from you for a little while," I spoke quietly. Oh.

"Oh... Well... I can't stop you from going, can I?"

"You can come on tour with us if you like?" He asked, but I didn't think this was a good idea.

"I can't Luke, I have school," I frowned.

"Ah... Well... I'm going to miss you so much," he told me, a tear rolling down his face.

"When do you leave?" I asked him, pulling him in for a hug and holding him tightly.

"Next week."

"I'll come to the airport with you if you want?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I'd like that." He mumbled into my shoulder. I felt my shoulder getting wet and realised he was crying heaps. I pulled him away from me and looked at his red face.

"Hey, don't cry! This tour will whizz by because you'll be having such a great time. And when you do go, we can Skype and call each other everyday."

"Okay," he said simply, wiping his face with his sleeve. "I look such an idiot, crying in front of you."

"I don't mind. You're my idiot," I laughed.

He kissed me gently on the lips and our lips started to move in rhythm. The kiss got rougher and rougher until I found myself straddling him on the couch.

"I'm going to miss when you do this," he smirked as his hands traveled up and down my back until they were inside of my back pockets.

"Shh," I hushed him and started to kiss him again. I tugged at his lip ring playfully with my teeth and began smiling through the kiss. We carried on for ten minutes or so before I pulled away for a breath.

"I think we should get the guys, Andrea and Harper round here," I breathed, gazing into his gorgeous brown eyes.

"I'll call them then," he smiled as I got off him and headed up stairs to get changed into my pyjamas. I entered my room and quickly checked my twitter to see I had a few notifications. One of them was the picture that the girls had taken with us the other day when we were out at the shops. I smiled and decided to follow and tweet them.

'Was lovely meeting you guys :) x'

I put my phone down and got changed into my bunny rabbit onesie which by the way, I fucking adore! I pulled the hood up over my head so it looked like I had bunny ears.

I made my way back downstairs to find Luke on the phone to someone, it was probably one of the guys. I sat down next to him and flicked through the channels on the TV. He ended the call and turned to face me.

"They're all on their way," Luke informed me as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I tucked my head into the crook of his neck.

"Okay," I sighed, focusing on the TV. After around five minutes everyone was here.

"I'll go get the blankets from upstairs," I told everyone as I headed up to my room to get all of the covers and pillows. When I came back down, Jai and Harper were cuddling and kissing and just... Aw!

"Aw! That's so cute!" Beau cooed as him and Andrea were snuggled up on one of the couches. They pulled away, giggled then carried on kissing.

"What movie are we watching?" Daniel asked as he scrolled through his phone.

"We could watch a horror movie?" I suggested.

"What the fuck Chrissy! Why do you love horror films? Do you not get scared?" James asked with a surprised look on his face.

"I like them a lot, I guess I'm just immune to being scared of them," I shrugged as I walked over the the movie rack and picked out The Evil Dead.

"Aw, for fucks sake! That film is supposed to be shit scary!" Beau groaned when he realised what film I had picked.

"Tough, you guys are just pussies," I teased everyone as I put the disk into the DVD player and sat back down on the couch next to Luke and James.

When it got to the part where the girl was cutting her face with a pair of scissors, everyone was hiding their faces under a blanket while I was completely fine.

"God guys! It's not that bad!" I sighed at how pathetic they were being. As I continued to watch the film, my phone buzzed in my pocket and I noticed I had I text from Harper.

'Did you hear the news? :( x'

Jai had obviously told her about them going on tour. I wonder how she was coping with it.

To: Harper

'Yeah :( are you going with them? X'

From: Harper

'I asked my mum but she said I couldn't because of school :/ you? X'

To: Harper

'I won't be able to go either :( x'

From: Harper

'Don't worry, they'll be home before we know it :) x'

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