Chapter 26 - Sooner Than You Think

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❤Luke's POV❤

"Luke, have you told the girls that we're coming back in two weeks?" Jai asked me as we were all sitting backstage waiting to be called onto the stage.

"Nope, why?" I replied, taking a bite of my pizza that Big Rob had went to get us.

"We could surprise them by telling them we're coming back later than we thought then just turn up at their doors."

What. A. Genius.

"Jai! How did you think of this?!" I exclaimed.

"Just came to my head," he said simply as he took a bite out of his slice of pizza.

"We should tell the girls that we're coming back in another month, then turn up at their door in two weeks," I speculated aloud, just as I was getting a Skype call from someone. I opened up my laptop and Chrissy's face popped up onto my screen.

"Hey!" she beamed. The face I had been longing to see for so long was finally staring back at me, I felt at ease.

"Hello baby," I smiled back as I watched her blush a rosy shade of pink.

"You having fun?"

"Yeah, the atmosphere is crazy! We're just about to be called on stage in a few minutes," I informed her, reaching for another slice of pizza from the box.

"That's good that you're enjoying yourselves," she cheered, but I noticed that she didn't seem 100% happy, something told me that deep down, she was feeling dismal.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, unable to hide the immense concern filling my voice and expression.

"I just miss you," her voice croaked out as a single tear escaped from her eye slid down her cheek. "When are you coming home?"

Seeing her upset completely shattered me into pieces, especially when I was the reason for her pain. I hated to lie to her.

"In another month," I lied, a lump gradually growing in my throat as I watched her brows furrow and another tear rolling down her face.

"That seems like a lifetime away," she sighed, quickly wiping her face clean.

"It's sooner than you think," I smirked to myself, knowing that we would be seeing each other much sooner than I had let on.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, furrowing her eyebrows even more.

"Oh, you'll see," I chuckled, smirking again. She looked at me as if I was some sort of crackhead.

"You're one weird child Luke," she laughed. I was about to say something when Big Rob barged into our room.

"Guys, it's time to get the fuck out on that stage and kill it!" he bellowed, a huge grin on his face.

"Okay. Chrissy, we have to go now," I told her, picking up my water bottle and taking a gulp from it.

"Okay, you'll be great out there," she encouraged me, smiling again. "Love you."

"Love you too beautiful," I replied, blew a kiss and shut the laptop. We made our way up to where the stage was located and stood to the side so the fans couldn't see us. Their shrill screams of excitement filled the atmosphere, and even though I could barely hear myself think, I felt my heart racing faster and faster, goosebumps protruding on the back of my arms and neck. The boys and I had come so far, from one little home made video to a crowd of thousands of people. I would be forever grateful.

I listened to the video that was playing on the massive screen, listening to us reciting the lines we had spent hours learning, until I heard Jai, Beau and I scream "WE'RE NOT A FUCKING BOY BAND!" followed by the crowd going screaming louder than before. That was our cue. We gave each other one last triumphant look before sprinting out onto the stage. Fans all around the room greeted us with cheers and cries.

"HELLO CHICAGO!" I yelled from my microphone. The crowd went nuts as we ran around the stage, Beau opening a bottle of water and chucking it into the crowd.


"Goodnight Chicago!" Beau shouted to the crowd as we started to pile off the stage. When we got into our room, I slumped myself down on a beanbag and took a large slurp from my water bottle.

"Guys well done tonight, that was fucking immense," Daniel gasped, all of us were out of breath and exhausted.

"I can't wait to get home and see Andrea now," Beau breathed as he pulled his shirt up over his head.

I sighed at the thought of finally getting to hold Chrissy in my arms after two whole months! Every time I saw a couple holding hands or cuddling, it really ached me that Chrissy wasn't here with me... But I was now super excited that I would be seeing her in two weeks, she had no idea what was coming to her.


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