Chapter 5 - Camping Part 2

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I was woken up by the shrill sound of screaming. I shot up, my eyes darted around the tent. Luke was still sleeping. He looked so peaceful.

"Luke, wake up!" I gave him a little shake.

"What?" he groaned still half asleep.

"I can hear people shouting outside," I whispered to him frantically.

He sat up beside me and we listened quietly.

"Chrissy!" Jai's voice called out

"They're looking for me!" I gasped. I got up, unzipped the tent and called for them.

"Guys! I'm here!" I shouted out. I waited a few seconds before I heard a few muttering voices.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure move. I spun around to face Beau a few metres away from me.

"Where the fuck have you been!?" he yelled at me, coming closer and engulfing me in a tight hug.

"Um, I was sleeping?" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He looked suspicious.

"But you weren't in the tent with Harper this morning."

"Oh, erm, about that... Luke let me sleep in his tent," I explained, feeling my cheeks burning bright red with embarrassment. His eyes widened and the amusement on his face became apparent, he began giggling like a little child.

"Nothing happened," I quickly reassured him.

"Whatever you say," he winked before walking away to find the others.

I sat down and opened my bag. I saw the bottle of water I had left myself the day before when I knew it would come in handy. I silently thanked my past self and savoured every drop I drank. I hated being dehydrated after sleeping.

Harper came and sat beside me, looked at me and burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked anxiously.

"You slept in Luke's tent!" she whispered excitedly, covering her mouth with her hands and chuckling.

"Yeah, and nothing happened!" I gave her a light shove.

"Chrissy and Luke sitting in a tree. K. I. S. S. I. N. G!" she sang loudly. Mature.

"Oh, for fucks sake!" Luke's voice came from inside the tent. He unzipped it irritably and gave Harper a death glare. "You can't say anything Harp, you're dying to get in Jai's pants and everyone knows it." Just as he said this, Jai walked out from behind a nearby tree.

"What about me?" he asked. I looked at Harper and shrieked with laughter. She turned a tomato shade of red and rushed into her tent.

"Harper likes you," Luke said simply while scrolling through his phone. Jai giggled and called on Harper, but no matter what he said, she wouldn't come out.

James, Beau and Daniel came back with a video camera and were filming us.

"And here are the love birds, good morning Mrs Brooks, how was your first night sleeping with Luke?" Daniel asked pretending to be an interviewer.

"Get fucked Daniel," I scoffed sternly, grabbing my clothes from my bag and heading off to get changed.

"Ooh, Chrissy's a feisty one in the morning!" James said cockily. I ignored his remark and entered the tent, the thought of some peace and quiet soon comforted me.

"What has Jai been saying?" Harper pressed eagerly as soon as I zipped the door shut.

"Nothing much really," I said turning my back to her while I took my top off. "I have a feeling he might like a certain someone though! Oh, could you make sure the boys don't get in?" Harper giggled and guarded the door.

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