Chapter 41 - Kick

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AUTHORS NOTE: Make sure you read the bold writing at the end, it's important!

❤️Chrissy's POV❤️

Luke, Jai, Beau, James, Daniel, Harper, Andrea and I were all huddled into my living room, watching Frozen with blankets, popcorn and drinks and the atmosphere was so nice. Everyone was getting on really well, and it couldn't have been a better day.

"DO YOU WANNA BUILD A SNOWMAN!" Daniel shouted as the song started, causing everyone to laugh. "COME ON, LETS GO AND PLAY! I NEVER SEE YOU ANYMORE, COME OUT THE DOOR, ITS LIKE YOU'VE GONE AWAAAY!"

"Shut the fuck up Daniel," Jai yelled at him, causing Daniel to stick his finger up at him and sit in silence for the rest of the movie, poor baby Daniel!

A sudden pain pushed against my stomach, it was sharp, but short, causing my breath to hitch as I clutched my tummy.

"What's wrong?" Luke asks, looking worried as he begins to rub my stomach.

"Nothing, I think I'm fine," I said, looking up to him and giving him a little smile. A few seconds passed until I felt the pain again. What was happening?

I pressed my hand gently over where the pain was coming from and waited to see if it happened again, and it did. I felt a tiny push rise up and quickly fall back down again. I looked at it in amazement, just watching it as it continued to push my tummy up.

"Luke," I whispered, tapping him on the shoulder. "I think he's kicking!"

The expression on his face lit up as he glared down at my stomach, staring for a while before I took his hand and placed it where I felt it. Soon everyone's eyes were on us as we felt the baby's foot push against my tummy.

"Is he kicking?" Harper exclaimed as she rushed over and watched as well as everyone else.

"Does it hurt?" Beau asked.

"Not much," I giggled.

"I wanna record this," Luke announced as he got his phone out and recorded my stomach rising and falling.

"He's a feisty little fucker, isn't he?" James laughed along with the rest of us.

"I'm so proud of you both," Andrea cooed. I felt a tear stinging my eye and forcing itself out, crawling down my chin and falling onto my collar bones.

"So am I," Luke said quietly as he leaned down and planted his lips on mine, his hands still on my stomach.


"I'm gonna get fat," I laughed as I stuffed margarita pizza into my mouth, sitting on my bed with Luke. "It's not like I'm not already fat as it is."

"Shut up Chrissy, it's not fat, it's our baby," he chuckled.

"True," I sighed. "You been thinking of names?"

"I have actually, I kind of like Freddy?"

"That's so cute!" I cooed. "What about Ollie?"

"Ollie Brooks, hmm, I'm not too sure," he smirked.

"Freddy Brooks," I muttered to myself, I guess that sounded alright, but Ollie stood out and I felt like it was the one. "I really like Ollie though."

My mum knocked on the door and walked in, smiling as she saw Luke was here.

"How you doing Luke? Glad to be having a baby boy?" she smiled as she sat down beside us.

"I couldn't be happier Kate," he chuckled, taking another bite out of his pizza.

"That's good, anyway, what are you guys doing?" she asked.

"Thinking of names, Luke likes Freddy but I like Ollie," I sighed.

"How about you put them together?"

"Freddy Ollie Brooks, it doesn't sound right."

"Ollie Freddy Brooks sounds a bit better," Luke said, shrugging. Mum gave us a smiled and got up to walk out.

"I'll leave you two to decide," she said before closing the door behind her.

I let out a large sigh and fell backwards onto the bed, both of my hands planted on my forehead.

"I didn't realise name-choosing for boys could be so difficult."

"Don't worry, we'll think of something," he reassured me, lying next to me and snaking his hand around mine. We stayed silent for a while, enjoying each other's company while staring up at the ceiling. I thought that if I hadn't moved from England to Melbourne, everything would be so much different, I wouldn't have met Luke and the guys or Harper and Andrea, I wouldn't be carrying around a tiny baby inside of me that I was already in love with and I hadn't even met him yet, nothing would be the same, I was so happy here in Melbourne, and the thought of not moving here nearly brought me to tears.

"Chrissy," Luke whispered, snapping me out of my trance, I turned my head towards him and smiled.


"I've been thinking, because now that we've got a baby on the way, and we're both living in different houses, it's gonna be hard to go back and forth into each other's houses, we'd just get in the way of our mums and the boys."



Is he?


I glared at him, I knew what he was saying but I wanted to hear the words before I showed any sign of emotions, my heart picked up it's pace as he opened his mouth to talk again.

"So what I'm asking you is, do you want to move in with me?"

Okay so this is important and I want everyone's opinions on this. I'm going to make a sequel on this, definitely, but I had an idea for a completely different fan fic.

So I could make write a fan fic about one of the other characters in this story, for example, I could write about Harper and Jai, or Andrea and Beau, and all the characters would still be the same but it wouldn't be about Chrissy and Luke this time? I just wanted your opinion before I made it official:)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this, keep leaving suggestions for names and stuff like that, and keep reading my Beau Brooks fan fic:)

Love you


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