Chapter 8 - Alone With Him

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"Where is everyone?" I pondered to myself as Andrea and I entered the park. There was no sign of the guys anywhere, so we decided to go wait for them on the swings.

We waited for about twenty minutes until we started to get agitated, they should be here by now surely.

"They said they'd be here," I complained impatiently. I got a text from Beau. I opened it up and read the words.

From: Beau

We got caught up, mums come home and told us to tidy up be fore we went anywhere. Apparently there's a rapist in the park at the moment so watch out. X

A rapist in the park? They're bluffing, I thought to myself.

"Beau said that his mum came home and they have to tide up before the come out. He also says there's a rapist living in the park," I told Andrea.

"They're lying," he giggled. We sat scrolling through our phones when I heard a twig snap coming from the tree behind me. I whipped round but no body was there.

I started to panic a little bit. What if Beau was telling the truth?

Horrible thoughts began to swim around my head. I tried not to think of them, tried to distract myself by reciting song lyrics of some kind. A pair of hands viciously grabbed my shoulders.

They tackled me to the ground and pinned me down by the shoulders. I looked at the man, but I couldn't see his face, he was masked.

"ANDREA, GO GET HELP!" I screamed in fear. She got up off the swing and sprinted towards the park exit.

"LET GO OF ME, GET OFF ME!" I screamed and screamed until my voice was completely ruined. I could no longer scream. I couldn't scream for help. All I could do was cry hysterically.

The man kept me pinned down, until he took his mask off. I couldn't believe what I saw. My mood changed from fear to anger as I shoved him off me and began screaming at him.

"LUKE WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE PLAYING AT?!? I THOUGHT I WAS ABOUT TO BE KILLED YOU LITTLE SHIT CUNT! PRICK FACE, I COULD CALL YOU ALL THE NASTY NAMES UNDER THE SUN BUT I WOULD GET SICK OF IT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs at him. I started crying again, but not as bad as I had been before. He pulled me into his arms as I cried into his hoodie.

"Shhhhh, shhhhh, it's okay," he comforted me.

"Why did you do that?" I croaked, my voice broken from shrieking.

"I thought it would be funny, but I failed," he said hugging me tightly.

Beau, Jai and Andrea came into the park again and saw us cuddling. Jai ran over to us and saw that I had been crying.

"I take it you fell for our joke then?" he said laughing. Rage began to bubble up inside of me yet again. I broke out of Luke's arms and shoved Jai on the ground with all of my might. Despite the outbreak of laughter from everyone around us, it was safe to say I did not find it the slightest bit comical.

"Don't fucking mess with me like that again, I'm warning all of you," I said pointing to everyone accept Andrea. "What kind of sick joke even is that?"

Jai got up off the ground and backed away from me. Serves him right.


After I stopped crying and scolding my friends about why I was so upset, we sat down on the grass and talked in mumbles. The atmosphere wasn't as lively as I'd have hoped, perhaps it was due to the fact that everyone seemed on edge after Luke's sick prank.

"I'm gonna head home now," Andrea announced before standing up and brushing the grass off of her jeans. Her dropped as if she had forgotten something. "Your clothes!" she exclaimed, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Keep them, it's fine," I smiled.

"I'll walk you home," Beau replied, hoisting himself up after her. They both said their goodbyes and headed out the park. Luke, Jai and I were the only ones left.

"I'm so tired," I yawned, throwing myself down onto the grass. Luke and Jai copied this.

"Do you reckon Beau and Andrea are gonna get together any time soon?" Jai asked.

"Probably," Luke said. "Hey, what about Harper, have you spoken to her yet?"

"I spoke to her last night, I told her that I just wanted to be friends, she seemed cool with it, she didn't act like anyone else would, you know, like, she wasn't bitchy about it or anything," he explained. "I think I'll go home as well, I'm so tired," he said getting up.

It was just Luke and I left in the park. His company soothed me, he didn't even have to say anything, the silence was strangely comforting, I felt safe.

"I don't want anything to be awkward between us," he said.

"Me neither," I agreed.

He turned onto his side and faced me, and I did the same.

"You're so beautiful," he complimented, gently resting his hand on my cheek, my hand landing on top of his.

"Your eyes, your eyes, make the stars look like they're not shining. Your hair, your hair falls perfectly without you trying. You're so beautiful, and I'll tell you everyday." he sang, trying not to laugh. I cackled loudly and brought him closer to me.

I wrapped my arms tightly round his neck, and he put his hands round my waist.

"If you didn't move to Melbourne, I don't know what I'd be doing right now," he told me.

"Neither would I," I replied softly and pressed my lips against his.

"Are you ticklish?" he said as he pulled away.

"No," I lied. I'm the most ticklish person on the planet.

"Are you sure about that?" His hand made its way under my neck and he started tickling me. I tried to retain my laughter but I just couldn't.

"No! Stop it Luke! I'm being serious!" I shrieked with laughter.

"I'm sorry," he giggled.

We stared into each others eyes for what seemed like years. He suddenly started singing As Long As You Love Me by Justin Bieber. It was one of my favourite songs, and what made it even better is that he sang every note beautifully.

I knew I was falling in love with him.


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