Chapter 17 - Planning Ibiza

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♥Beau's POV♥

"Luke! Come here for a second!" I called as an idea popped into my head. Not just any idea, a fucking sick one.

"What do you want?" he asked opening my door and stepping inside.

"Should we book a holiday seeing as summer break is coming up in like, two weeks," I asked hopefully.

"Depends how much it would cost... Where are you planning on?"

"I was thinking maybe Ibiza?" I asked opening my laptop and typed in 'holidays to Ibiza'.

"Who's coming?" he asked, and I knew what he was hinting at.

"We could get Jai, James, Skip, Chrissy, Harper and Andrea?"

"If Chrissy goes then I go," he stated folding his arms.

"Why are you so attached to her?" I sighed as he's always going on and on about her.

"I'm not attached, I'm dedicated."

"Whatever, you call her and ask her if she wants to come, but she'll have to pay for her own flight," I told him as I took my phone out and made a group text to the guys asking if they were up for it.

♥Chrissy's POV♥

I was watching the Pepper Spray Challenge that the boys took part in a few weeks ago, I was absolutely pissing myself when As Long As You Love Me started playing, that's when I knew I was getting a phone call from Luke.

"Hey boo, how's it going?" I spoke into the phone as I paused the video.

"Hey baby, everything's going good, and you?" his sexy voice floated through my head.

"I'm just watching your pepper spray challenge, I'm nearly pissng myself," I told him starting to laugh at the memory of the state James and Beau were in.

"Haha. Anyway, Beau told me that he was gonna book a holiday to Ibiza seeing as summer break is just two weeks away. He's planning on taking me, Jai, James, Skip, you, Andrea and Harper so he asked me to ask you if you were up for it."

"Erm... I'll have to ask my mum, listen, I'll go ask her now and I'll call you back," I said thinking about a holiday away with the gang.

"Okay, I'll speak to you in twenty minutes then, bye!"

"Bye!" I sang and ended the phone call. I got up off my bed, skipped down stairs and entered the living room, where my mum had her feet up watching The Real Housewives of Orange County with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Hey mummy!" I smiled with the sweetest voice possible and plopped down next to her.

"What are you after now?" she sighed, chuckling slightly.

"Well...... You know that summer break is starting in two weeks?" I started.

"Yes... Go on," she said sipping her coffee.

"Well.... Me, Harper, Andrea, Jai, Luke, Beau, Skip and James were talking about going to Ibiza," I said slowly, examining her reaction.

"And who's paying for the flight?" she quizzed. I hung my head down knowing that she wouldn't let me go if I asked her to pay for it.

"I might pay, seeing as its just past your birthday, BUT... You have to pay me back when you get home from the holiday," she told me, pausing the TV.

"Are you being serious?!" I exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, I'm being serious!" she laughed and pulled me in her arms for a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I squealed hugging her back tightly.

"But under one condition..." she suddenly spoke. "No major drinking or drugs. You can have a few glasses of wine, but that's it!"

"I promise I won't get smashed," I promised her as I got up and ran up the stairs, energy boiling up in my body.

I grabbed my phone and quickly speed dialled Luke's number.

"Hello?" he suddenly answered after a few seconds of listening to the annoying ringing noises.

"Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, Luke, guess what?!" I rushed my words, my excitement taking over me.

"You're going to Ibiza?!" he asked, getting just as excited as me.

"Yep!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"That's awesome! Beau just called Andrea and asked if she was allowed to go and she said that she was, he's just about to book his tickets now then me and Jai will have to book ours."

"Okay, I won't be the only girl then... I'll just go call Harper and see if she wants to come then I'll get my mum to book my tickets," I told him opening my laptop and checking my twitter as I spoke to Luke.

"Right, I might see you tomorrow, it depends because me and the boys might have to go shopping for holiday stuff."

"Yeah, it will be the same with us girls if Harper is coming... Anyway I'll see you soon, love you.

"Love you too," he cooed and ended the call. I quickly dialled Harper's number, praying that she would pick up.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up..." I murmured to myself, gnawing at my nails.

"Hello?" she finally answered, her voice sounding raspy and choked.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I asked, starting general conversation before getting to the real topic.

"Erm, actually I just got back from Greg's house..." she spoke quietly.

"Wait... WHAT?!?!" I yelled in excitement down the phone.

"I'll tell you later. Anyway, was there a reason you called?" she said avoiding the subject of her and Greg.

"Yeah, there was actually. Beau's planning on booking a holiday in Ibiza at the start of summer break and he invited me, Luke, Jai, Andrea, James and Daniel, my mum said I could go so I was wondering if you would be coming?"

"Aw, that sounds awesome! One minute..." she said and a few seconds later I heard her having a conversation with her mum from downstairs.

"Mum! Can I go to Ibiza at the start of summer break?"

"Who's going?" I heard her mums voice faintly.

"Chrissy, Beau, Jai, Luke, Andrea, James and Daniel!"

"Okay! You have to pay me back though!"

"Okay, thank you mum!" she called down to her one last time before returning to her conversation with me. "I'm going to Ibiza baby!"

"Yeah, I figured," I laughed. "Can you stay over at my house tonight so you can tell me all about you and Greg? Also, bring lots of money, we have to go on a huge holiday shopping spree tomorrow!"

"Uh.. Yeah I'll be over in about an hour," she told me.

"Okay, see you soon," I said and ended the call.


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