Chapter 34 - People Know

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❤️Chrissy's POV❤️

I was sitting at the kitchen table, eating breakfast with my mum for a change seeing as she's always busy with work. I finished my last piece of toast, kissed my mum goodbye and headed towards the door. But before I got outside, I heard her say something that made my heart race one thousand times per second.

"Chrissy I think you need to start going to the gym, I'm not being rude, but you look like you're starting to bulk up a bit."

I slowly turned on my heel towards her and stared. She flashed me a smile, as if nothing was wrong, and carried on reading her newspaper. I took a deep breath in and continued with my journey to school.


It was lunch time, and I was sat down at a table with Luke, Jai and Harper eating my cheese and tomato sandwich, when a felt numerous pairs of eyes watching me from all around the cafeteria. I stared at them all individually until they stopped, so I carried on eating. That's when James and Skip barged into the cafeteria. I looked up at them, and they seemed to be worried about something.

"What's up?" I asked them, still nibbling on my sandwich.

"Chrissy, do not get mad..." James started, looking and Skip with a scared expression on his face. I glared at them both, I knew something was up.

"Mad about what?" I asked wearily, still glaring. Skip took a deep breath in and began talking.

"Well James and I were in geography, and we were talking about names for... That," he said, pointing at my stomach. "- and these two girls behind us kind of heard us."

I stared at them even more until the began to grow uncomfortable.

"And it's going round school now?" Luke jumped in, looking as serious as ever.

"Not the whole school but, it could be a matter of hours before it does..." James replied in a hush tone. "Please don't be mad guys."

"I'm not mad, it's just that people are gonna find out, then teachers will find out then Mum will find out!" I exclaimed, feeling my eyes well up.

"Don't worry about it, she's gonna have to find out sooner or later," Luke said, trying to comfort me. I guess he was right, I couldn't hide it from her forever.

"When shall we tell our parents then?" I asked, my heart beating so hard it nearly ripped out of my chest.

"Tomorrow," he replied, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly. "It'll be okay Chrissy, don't worry."


I know it's short but it's just so you can get where we're at with the story.

Love you all:*

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