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My hands are shaking wildly, as I'm trying to close my diary... When I finally manage to do so, I clamp my fingers around the cover. My eyes staring into oblivion, while my mind is running in overdrive, trying to process everything I've just read. I must have been really drunk... I don't remember squad! My vision getting more blurry with each passing second. I.. I know I was in love with him, b-but can you even love someone that much? A wave of memories comes floating back to me and my mind is replaying those two nights like an old movie from the 60s. A few seconds later, I snap out of my thoughts. I lift my still shaky hand and bring it to my cheek, feeling the cold breeze against the liquid that has escaped my eyes. I softly wipe away the tears, not caring about my make-up getting all messed up.

'I, I remember it all...'

I manage to get out with a croaked voice... Damn that almost, hurt. It felt like my heart got stabbed all over again in the exact same spot. I think as I unconsciously put my hand over my heart as if to console it that way. I can't believe I drank myself to a black-out that night... I seriously didn't remember a thing! At least...This is so fucking weird! Before tonight I remembered the party and all but... How, how could I forget? I also knew Matt left the day after. But how could I not remember that Matt gave me that necklace and danced with me? I rub my temple with one of my hands trying to reduce my aching headache from getting worse after receiving all this information at once. I mean, Matt's never been that nice, so it can't be forgotten easily... My mind keeps putting the last pieces together, although my conscience is having problems accepting the reality of what happened. Well, I've clearly proven that theory wrong! Since I now remember pouring a shit load of alcohol in my system, it did work for suppressing my heartbreaking memories. Knowing perfectly well my body can't handle alcohol, though it must've taken a lot to make me forget something like that! It could've been my death, I warn myself to never let something like that happen, ever, again. B-But wait an m-minute...

'The necklace!'

I almost jump up, My fingertips fiddling on the seam of the diary. As I remember something else.
I read that hid some kind of note in the seam of the diary, together with the necklace...

'There should be an opening right here-'

I mutter as my fingers fidget around with the seem until it comes loose.

'O my God, it's still in there.'

My fingers pull out a tiny envelope and I quickly open it. My eyes immediately spot the silver inside and before I'm realizing it, my fingers picked up the necklace.

I clamp my fingers around it and look into the envelope again. I grip the ends of a piece of scrap paper, rushing to get it open as quickly as possible my eyes already scanning all of the words. I.. I wrote a My eyes dart over the words I scribbled down that night. I- I need to do something with this. I immediately scramble to my feet, rushing my way downstairs to Bhek's and Ty. My sister is so going to kill me for not telling her this sooner. But how could I tell her something I didn't fully remember myself before tonight... Right?

'I'm so fucked!'

I grumble underneath my breath as I open the door of the living room, rushing to get in. The sooner I get this over with, the better.

Ghost from the past  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now