Chapter 12

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TIM POV: Things with Faith have been going good. It's been a few days now since that doctors appointment. I know Faith has read over everything given to us by the doctor of our options. I started to. I'm just not sure what is the right thing to do. I want us to make this decision together. I just hope Faith feels the same way. The girls are both asleep. I decided now would be a good time for Faith and I to discuss everything. I went to our bedroom. Faith was lying on the bed reading something "hey what are you reading?" "just all that material again that Do tor Peterson gave us" "oh ok and.." "I just don't know Tim. I feel like anything I decide. something is going to happen" "I..I thought we were going to make this decision together" "we are, I'm sorry. But you also have to understand this is my body and if I'm not comfortable with something I'm not going to do it" "yeah I understand that but Faith.." "Look Have you had time to read over everythng?" "yeah most of it" "And?" "i just don't know what is the right thing. After I thought about it, I don't think its for me to decide. I mean I want to be involved in the decision that is made. but like you said it's your body" "yeah I know but I just want your support on this" "You have my support but..." "But what?" "Faith.. I really wish you would consider the surgery, please" "Tim..look I don't want to fight with you anymore on this." "I don't want to fight with you either. But I"m thinking of our two girls right now" "And what about this baby? doesn't he or she deserve a chance" I just didn't know what to say. Faith is right. This baby does deserve a chance but at what cost? her life? the baby's life or both of them? "can we just not talk about this anymore" "We have to Tim. I have the appointment on Monday" "ok how about this. Let me finish reading up on everything and also I want to do some research. Maybe we can get a second opinion" "Tim I trust Doctor Peterson. he's been my doctor for years. He delivered Gracie and Maggie" "I know, I know I'm sorry" "ok You finish reading everything and do the research and than we can talk about it" "ok that's fair" Faith gave me all the material. She's had time to read over it all more than once. Now I just need that chance. I decided to go downstairs to my office to read and also do some research "where are you going?" "to the office to read this and I want to check some things online" "ok, please don't be too long tonight, it's late" "ok I will try" I went to leave "Wait Tim.." "yeah" "I love you" "I love you two" she smiled. I went over and gave her a kiss before heading downstairs. I need to see what all the options are. This way it gives us an equal to chance to of gone over everything. She had time I didn't. Ok here we go. I spent a couple of hours just reading everything over and over and checking stuff online. I looked at the time it was after 2 am.. Shit, I promised Faith I wouldn't be too long. Ok I put everything away. And went back upstairs. Faith was fast asleep. I got in bed and just lied there watching her sleep.

I Can't Lose You(Sequel To It's Your Love)Where stories live. Discover now