Smoke Vibes- ▲Chapter 6▲

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This was a rough ass life my family and I were living. The thing I was thankful for that I wasn't ass out on the street begging people for money . Or trying to fuck for dollars.

The next day, Calvin came walking through the door like everything was cool.

"Hey, what's up?" he greeted me with a smile and head nod.

I sat at the table, getting to the point, "Hi. Did you pay the light and water bill?"

"I-," before he could answer, the lights turned off.

"Shit," I groaned.

"I forgot."

"Really??? You had one thing to do and that was pay the damn bills. What the fuck were you doing?? I don't get paid til next week. We can't spend a week in the dark with no water."

"I got this. Don't worry."

"Boy, if I could see you, I would smack the hell out of you. G shit ."

He sighed.

We sat in silence and darkness. Then I heard a loud noise, "Fuck!" he yelled.

"What happened to you?" I asked nonchalantly.

"I tripped over something."

"If yo dumb ass paid the bills, you would've seen where you were going."

"Petty...," he mumbled under his breath.

"It ain't being petty, it's called paying the damn bills on time, now move," I went by him as I went to the window of the kitchen.

He sighed as his shoulders dropped, "Like I said don't worry about it, I'll pay for it."

"You better. I'm already pissed at you for selling dope. I can't stop you from selling it, but you need to use some of that money towards this place, not on some material shit that you tryna flex on niggas with that's probably gonna rob yo ass when you're not careful ."

Since it was the afternoon, I drew the curtains away from the window, bringing light into the apartment.  It guided me out of the kitchen. He followed behind me.

"Where you going?" he asked as I went to the front door.



"Do I ask you where the hell you be going to when you don't come home for days?? Right," I opened the door and left.

I went to Roman's house. I knocked on the door, his mom answered, "Hey Angelic, I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" She hugged me, she was happy to see me.

She was a good person. She was like a second mother to me. She treated me like I was her own. 

"I'm good," I lied, "How are you?" I plastered a fake smile on my face.

I couldn't tell her what I was going through.

"Great, come in," she went off to the side, letting me in. She closed the door behind us and led me to the living room, "I'll get Roman."

"Thanks Ms. T."

"No problem," she left.

Minutes later, he shuffled into the living and sat on the couch.

"What's up?"

"A lot of stuff."

"I can tell, let's go my room," he held his hands up, "No funny shit either, just talking ."

I nodded. We sat on his bed, "What's going on?"

"My brother forgot to pay the bills, no we're without light and water."

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