Date with Red

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I was in my room putting my earrings in when Trevor walked in.
"You look good." He said.
"Thank you. I feel like I'm going to explode in this dress."
"Will, you look good. For one night forget about him and just relax and enjoy yourself." I smiled.
"Your right. Thanks." I kissed his cheek and walked out.
"Nice khakis." Connor told Red.
"Connor!" I kicked him. He smiled.
"Bonita, estás preciosa." He said talking my hands. I smiled. I haven't gotten around to google what that meant yet.
"Thank you." I think.
"Let's not do touching." Ricky took his hands from mine.
"Sorry." He said in his sexy Spanish accent.
"I want her home by 10." Kian told him.
"Ok dad." He laughed.
"Have fun." They each kissed my forehead. Like I said living with guys is fun, they are very protective of you.
"Your not going to pop on me right?" Red asked as I got in the car. I laughed.
"I have another month." He smiled.
"Good." He wiped his forehead.

  We arrived at Providence. The 3rd most expensive restaurant in the LA area. We walked in.
"Mr. Red, this way." The waitress said. She sat us at the most beautiful table. It was stunning. I looked around. Shit, Steph and Lena were here! Is that good or bad? I don't know! I acted like I didn't know them.
"Do you wish for another table?" Red asked.
"No, I'm fine."
"So tell me about your new podcast." He said.
"Oh, GWLWG."
"Yes, what does it stand for?"
"Girls who live with guys."
"What do you talk about?"
"We only have 2 out but we are going to be talking about living with a group of guys and how challenging and rewarding it is."
"Like what?"
"When we talked about pros we said that their always there for you when your in a really messed up situation." He smiled.
"That's really great that you have that. Colette told me about the baby."
"What did she say?"
"That you are doing everything you can to make sure that, that baby grows up happy and safe."
"I am."
"So what makes you a huge millionaire besides investing."
"I am the son of Robert Red who owns Juliane Hotels."
"Really? That's really cool."
"And the cocktail club." That was the most expensive club in the LA area.
"Damn." I say.
"It's all family owned."
"So what are you working on with Trixin?"
"That's right. As you know I am president of the Design team. We have created a lot of work and so there are 3 stores that we are currently clearing the shelves to put in all of our new designs to see how they sell."
"That's a huge accomplishment, Bonita!"
"Thank you!"
"Champagne?" A waiter walked over.
"Waters please." He said.
"Of course, Mr. Red." He walked away.
"So what's up? As the youth would say." .....
"I met my brother for the first time last week." I say.
"Yeah, my mother was pregnant when she was in a car accident. My mom and dad died but he lived. I was told for 7 years that he didn't make it. I just recently found out that not true. And I met him and his family. Those are his moms." I pointed to Steph and Lena."
"I'm very happy for you."
"Thank you. But they won't let me see him again." I say.
"Because they don't think I'm a great role model." I rubbed my stomach.
"That's absurd!"
"I don't want you involved. I was just letting you know I the situation."
"But Bonita-"
"Red please." He took a deep breath.
"As you wish." We had a very nice meal. Then he took me home.

  He kissed my cheek and I walked inside the house.
"Where did he take you?"
"What did you talk about?"
"Any signs of gay?"
"Did you kiss?" I was swarmed with questions.
"Chill." I threw off my heels. I walked into the living room and sat down. Connor put my feet in his lap. I remembered the night Sam did that and we fell asleep on the couch. I moved them under me.
"Umm, he took me to Providence. We talk about Liam and GWLWG and the Juliane. He's definitely not gay and no we didn't kiss." I say. They all gave off mixed emotions.
"Please let me sleep I'm so tired. I've had a very long day."
"Goodnight." Connor squeezed my hand.
"Goodnight." Trevor rubbed my head.
"Goodnight." Ricky hugged me.
"Goodnight." Kian stared into my eyes for a few seconds and walked upstairs. I walked upstairs and closed my door. I put my pajamas on and got in my warm bed.
"At 3 in the morning who is this!?" I heard from our side my door.
"It's Jake. From State Farm!"
"It's getting old!" I yelled.
"No it ain't!" Someone yelled.
"Go to bed!"
"Goodnight, love you guys!" Connor said. There were mumbles of I love you.
"Goodnight, baby." I told him. "I love you."

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