Chapter 43: Family

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I'm finally home with my boys. The court hearing is today. I'm going to win this for sure. Kevin, sandy, and lady are flying in.

"We're back. I'm we are still in love." Kian says to the camera.
"Let's tell every single detail this time." I say.
"Let's do that."
"It started 2 weeks ago when I falsely accused Willa of marrying my for the wrong reason, I questioned her love for me."
"He did kick me out. I went to a friends and stayed there for a bit then I went crazy and went to Sam's. He played me. He played me hard, he-"
"You ok?" Kian asked.
"I'm not going to cry." Levi was climbing all over Kian.
"So Levi's dad is.." Kian says.
"Sam. There were rumors about it being a guy in the military but truth is its Sam's. It was so hard to tell everyone. Everyone will be questioning us like why we didn't stay together and honestly it was because Sam didn't want to be a dad. That is the real reason why o2l broke up. Sam left and they guys took me in. And I love them so much they are my boys and is do anything for them. We as a group have raised Levi. Back to what happened Sam played me and he had a very elaborate plan to get full custody of Levi. He was basically going to pamper me and make me feel wanted then kick me to the curb. But he ruined that plan when he hit me."
"Physically." Kian said.
"I'm testifying against him in court today as well as getting full custody of my baby boy."
"We made mistakes but in the end we loved each other. Here are clips on of reunion at the airport. Shout out to Kim, Naomi, Jennifer, and Ashley for getting the footage. He kissed me. The best part was that I didn't cry. Yes I made the case public but that was because I'm tried of hiding. I want the world to know that we love each other. And no one can break that.
"Dada." Levi climbed on Kians lap.
"Hey buddy." He picked him up and blew raspberries on his tummy. he laughed.
"I missed you so damn much." Kian says to me.
"Me too." He put a piece of hair behind my ear.
"You should go to gym and work off baby fat."
"Damn! See you later." I pretend to leave.
"I'm just kidding, I love you." I sat in Kians lap and Levi crawl up.
"You guys are my world." I smiled.
"You are my boys." He kissed me again. Levi crawled out the door.
"You gonna cut all that?"
"Nope." He shook his head.
"I'm going to get ready." I said.
"I have something for you." He says.
"What?" He patted my leg and I stood up. I reached into his night stand drawer and pulled out the ring.
"Will you still marry me Willa Jane?"
"Of course!" I say. We laughed. He put the ring on my finger and hugged me.
"Finally." Connor said in the doorway.
"You are goals!" Trevor yelled. I hadn't realized that they were all in the door way. Ricky started singing never stop.
"Let every women know in yours." He sang. We laughed.
"Your the only one I see love." Everyone sang.
"I will never stop holding your hand." Kian took my hand and held it to his heart.
"I will never stop choosing you babe. I will never get used to you."
"You are my life." I said.
"You are my life my love my only." Our foreheads touched.
"Can you believe we met walking our dogs." He asked.
"Actually I started watching you when I started seeing a therapist for my parents car accident. You have been there since the beginning."
"Checking every photograph when ever your alone." Ricky sang his song to himself.
"Stop!" Trevor groaned.
"I don't do that why do you do it?!" He yelled.
"Please! You have concerts in the shower all the time!" Ricky and Trevor left as they fought.
"Well I've been there since the beginning do there is not point in leaving."
"Never did I think I would be marring you."
"I never thought I would be someone's dad."
"He wanted you all the time. He really missed you." We laughed.
"Hold it." Connor was takin Photos. Kian walked over and turned off the camera.

"I hear by accuse you of being guilty of domestic violence, Mr. Pottorff." He pleaded innocent so his time will be longer.
"You will serve 6 months in the Country jail. Thank you." He hit his ballet. Sam was taken away I cuffs, crying.
"I'm so sorry Willa." He says.
"Therefore Willa Jane Carson soon to be Lawley Keeps Full custody of Levi Owen Carson." Kian and I hugged. Sam's mother was so disappointed. She walked over to me.
"I am so ashamed to have raised that boy Willa you deserve better than that. I'm so happy for you and Kian. I hope you can accept his apology if not please accept mine."
"His actions don't represent you. You raised him right he just went off." I say.
"I wish it were that easy, Happy engagement." She smiled and left the courtroom.
"Whoop whoop! Mrs. Lawley! Mrs. Lawley! Can I get a Mrs. Lawley! Whoop! Whoop!" Trevor cheered. We laughed.
"I'm so proud of you for standing up for yourself." Sandy hugged me.
"How long are you staying?"
"Hopefully until the wedding." She bounced Levi on her hip.
"Willa?" Lady said.
"Am I the flower girl?" She asked.
"Mm, I don't know." I joked with her.
"I was more thinking Minnie maid of honor."
"Are you serious!?" She yelled.
"Yup." I say.
"I'm the Minnie maid of honor! Holy crud!" She jumped up and down.
"If Levi can't even walk how is he supposed to be the ring bearer?" She asked. We laughed.
"Sandy will help him down the aisle."
"Oh." She said. We walked outside. The Fosters were there.
"Congratulations." Steph said.
"Liam I have someone for you to meet." He walk over to me.
"This is your other sister, Adelaide, but we call her lady." I say.
"Who is that?" Lady asked. I picked her up.
"You remember that mom was pregnant in the accident?" I whispered in her ear.
"That's who was in moms tummy." Her facial expression said it all she was in awe. I set her down.
"I can't believe it's you!" She hugged him.
"I'm Liam." He said.
"We are going to be best friends." She said.
"I've waited so long! I can't believe your alive!"
"I've been here my whole life, earth I mean." They were perfect.
"Mariana, Callie, would you like to be my bridesmaids?" I asked.
"Yes!" Mariana was so happy.
"That's sounds good." Callie smiled.
"You guys are like sisters to me."
"We feel the same way." We hugged.

At home Kian and I were doing wedding stuff. Yes our wedding was mostly planned already but It was poorly done. We are starting clean.
"Who do you have for bridesmaids?" Kian asked.
"Caroline- maid of honor, lady- Minnie maid of honor, Mariana, Callie, Izzy, and Tab."
"Are you wanting to redo the dresses?"
"No I think they are fine, groomsmen?"
"Eh, Rio is the best man, then Cole, Jc, Connor, Ricky and Trevor."
"That's enough for tonight." He shut my laptop. I got a Text from Colette:
Colette: I don't know if this is rude but Avia and Emmi are dying to be flower girls.
Me: I was just about to text you.
Colette: you are amazing! They will love you forever.
Me: I'll see you soon
Colette: ok goodnight and congratulations again.
Me: thank you
"Got the flower girls."
"Forget about the wedding for a few minutes. You are going stress it and not eat. I know you."
"I'm not going to stress out."
"When your stressed you don't eat."
"Yeah so?"
"Your not going to fit in your wedding dress if you do that."
"I'm not. Ok?" He laughed.
"That reminds me I need to lose this baby weight."
"Your gorgeous." He kissed my cheek.
"What about colors?" I opened my laptop.
"What about colors?" He kissed my neck.
"Well we had the back and white theme." He pulled my tank top strap down.
"We could do lilac." I say.
"Would you put the laptop away and pay me some attention I haven't seen you in days."
"I was here last night. I've been home 3 days."
"You have 2 weeks to make up."
"But colors." I opened the laptop back up.
"But Kian." He shut it and pushed it off the bed. He pulled me in top of him and started kissing me.
"You are so paying for a new laptop if it broke."
"Stop talking."
"It could be cracked."
"Stop talking." He said again. He pulled my ponytail out.
"Ok you crossed the line!" He laughed.
"I love you."
"I love you too now stop talking and let me love you."

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