Chapter 46: Birthday Season

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I'm going to be Using pictures of Andrea as Willa but Willa looks different in my head.

Levi's birthday was kinda a fail. That was a really busy month. I was going to work, Kian had colab month, Trevor was in and out of the recording studio with Ricky, Jc and Caroline are getting ready for the wedding, Connor is writing a book! and Sam is out of jail.....

  Kian POV:
The doorbell rang and I walked down the stairs. I opened the door.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Well happy birthday."
"I don't have anywhere to go." He said. Honestly I felt really bad for him.
"See I would let you in but you hurt Willa, you physically abused her!"
"I know and jail changed me man. That shit ain't no joke."
"I don't know man."
"Please, just until I get a job and place."
"You quit YouTube?"
"I don't have any fans."
"Let me talk to Willa and the guys." He nodded and left. I shut the door.
"Who was that?" Willa asked. She was wearing those cute botty shorts that I loved.
"Hello?" He waved her hand.
"I ugh want to talk to you and the guys."
"Can it wait? We're going out."
"Yeah." She nodded and started putting things in Levi's diaper bag. She started to walk upstairs.
"Levi be careful." I said. Then I just realized he was standing.
"Willa!" I yelled.
"What?" She ran downstairs.
"Levi." I pointed.
"Buddy!" She was so happy.
"Come here." She held her arms out to try and get him to walk. He took one stop and fell.
"You keep tying." She smirks and walked upstairs.

Levi stood! Oh my gosh he's growing up too fast. Today is September 29th. We are mashing Levi, Trevor, Connor, Ricky, kian, and Jc's birthday all together. Today we are going to the zoo for Levi. Trevor is picking it lunch. Connor wants to go to the fair, Then we are going to the beach with Jc. and Kian is picking a movie and Ricky wants ice cream. It's a busy day. I walked downstairs and Kian was trying to help Levi walk.
"He's teething hard core." He says.
"Is he complaining?" I asked.
"Little bit."
"I have gel." I walked over and Kian held his mouth open while I applied the gel.
"Ok let's get a move on." Kian yelled.
"Who's driving?" Connor asked.
"Willa." Kian said. We walk out to the car. I have a Ford Flex so we are able to hold 7 people. I buckled Levi in and Ricky and Connor sat in either side of him.
"Mama!" Levi yelled.
"I'm getting them." I opened the glove box and pulled out his sun glasses. He will not let me leave the drive way with out them.
"He wears sun glasses?" Connor asks.
"Yeah." Kian says.
"This boy classier than me." He says. We laughed and I pulled out.
"You drive like a mom." Ricky yelled.
" I do not. Did you buckle?"
"Yeah Ricky! Buckle your ass." Trevor nagged.
"Or what you'll pull over?" I turned on my hazard lights.
"I'm going!" He buckled up. I turned them off and kept driving. I looked in the rear view and saw Levi looking back and forth at Ricky and Connor. Every time he turned his head they made a different face." Kian took my hand. I put it on my stomach. We stopped at a light. The car was silent and Kian and I were having a speechless conversation.
"Happy birthday." I mouthed. The look on his face said it all. He was beyond excited.
"Y'all need to use your words." Trevor says.
"Shut up we're having a moment." Kian said.
"Is your moment that important?"
"You'll find out later." Kian said. He kissed me.
"Oh shit I know that look. Not another one." Connor says.
"Another what?" Ricky says. He made a happy/ I'm fucked face.
"Help me out here!" Ricky yelled. He took at me in the mirror. I looked away.
"What the fuck?" Trevor and Ricky were confused.
"You did great this time I know you'll do great again." I said. Connor pretend to fake cry.
"What is it?" Ricky asked.
"Levi isn't that bad." Kian says.
"I'm sorry, come again?" Trevor says.
"Time to break out the bottles again." Kian says. Now Connor, Ricky and Trevor's faces were the happy/ I'm fucked look.

  Kian couldn't stop smiling. He could not. We just got inside the zoo.
"This is stupid." Jc says.
"It's for Levi, you picked the beach." I say. The guys were still traumatized. I was laughing.
"Wipe that smile off your face." Jc told Kian.
"I can't man."
"I'll help you."
"I really can't." They fought. I pushed Levi in his stroller. We went to the aquarium first.
"Those are fish Levi." Kian pointed out.
"Fiiiiiish!" He yelled and pointed.
"Is he not enough?" Trevor cried.
"What?" Caroline asked. Trevor whispered in her ear.
"Oh my gosh!" She hugged me.
"How far?" She asked.
"Yeah! I love this #lawleywedding!" She did a little dance.
"If the guys are not so happy about this but the girls are and Kian is that only mean....ohh......" Jc groaned.
"You don't even have to live with me." I said.
"Caroline you want one?" Jc asked.
"Not yet." She said.
"Yet?!" He turned to her. We laughed. No one really enjoyed the zoo until we got this...
We walked by the gorillas. Connor and Kian were doing impressions.
"You wanna piece of me?" Connor asked as he banged his chest.
"I'll whip your ass." Kian banged his chest. They 'gorilla fought' we were laughing. Levi thought it was pretty entertaining.
"There are kids." I say to Kian.
"You butt is mine!" Connor yelled. Now Trevor, Jc and Ricky were doing it. Caroline and I walked in the other direction.
"We don't know them." I say. She laughed. We got to another exhibit, the monkeys.
"What do those say Levi?" I asked.
"Ew ew ha ha!" He yelled.
"Good job." Caroline praised him. Everything was great until one monkey started throwing his poop and everyone.
"This is my kind of zoo." Jc said.
"Gross!" Caroline hit his head. We got out of there and we're now going to lunch.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Cheesecake factory." Trevor says.
"Praise Trevor." Connor says.
"Mom!" Levi yelled. I passed him his sunglasses.
"Absolutely ridiculous." Kian says.
"Your just jealous." I say.

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