Chapter 58: A day off

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"Her name is Kelly Adams." Sam was stalking really loud. I walked out of the room and Sam was was changing Levi's diaper.
"Yes." He was on the phone.
"Who are you talking to?" I picked an outfit out for Levi.
"This is not ok." Sam said to the person. I gave Sam the outfit and he put it on Levi.
"Exactly." He gave me Levi.
"Thank you so much." He Hung up.
"That damn nurse." He says.
"Levi's nurse?"
"Yes." He ran his hands through his hair.
"Was that your lawyer?"
"Sam her husband died yesterday. How much money do you think she has?"
"Enough to pay for what she did."
"No. As Levi's mother I'm not letting you do this."
"Too bad Willa." He walked out. I followed him to his room.
"Willa please leave." He said
"No! Sam are you serious right now?"
"I need to shower please leave."
"You have a cold, cold, heart." I slammed the door. I walked downstairs.
"Willa, my car broke can you take me to Nash's." Ricky asked.
"Sure." I put Levi on the floor.
"What's with the attitude?"
"Sam." I said.
"Ugh, I hate baby daddy problems."
"My life." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh never mind, they're coming over here." He says.
"Who all is?"
"Nash, Jenn, Jc, Caroline, and Cameron." He says.
"Ok." I said. Kian walked downstairs.
"Good morning beautiful." He kissed me.
"Good morning." I said.
"What time are they coming over?" I asked Ricky.
"Around 6."
"What's up!" Jc opened the door.
"You scared me." I put a hand in my chest.
"Ok sorry. Look at her!" He put a hand on my tummy.
"I know." Kian says.
"Awe Kian!" I say.
"Did you film last night?"
"The kitchen is a mess!" I started putting dishes away.
"Just leave it we'll get it later."
"You guys are so messy."
"It's our life."
"I don't want to live with you." He laughed.

I sat in front of the mirror doing my make up. Kian decided it would be a great idea to film me.
"So Willa is going to go out with Caroline." He sat next to me.
"You need to not." I say.
"What is this?" He asked as he pointed to my McDonald's.
"Pregnancy cravings."
"Oh yeah by the way it's a girl." Kian says.
"Yay." I put my mascara on.
"I'm going to take Levi out for a little father and son time."
"Then you guys are having a party over here."
"Yeah, with Cameron and Nash." Kian says.
"Is she kicking?" Kian asked. I looked down.
"Look at that."
"She's going gymnastics." I say.
"She's going to be an Olympic medalist." I laughed.
"Yup. Yes Kian."
"Alight see you at the mall." He put the camera away.

  Caroline and I just got back from getting our nails done and picking up the dresses and tuxes.
"Connor." I said.
"Yes." He ran around the corner.
"This one is yours." I handed him his tux.
"Damn Willa, you went all out."
"This is only going to happen once." I say. We walked into the family room. I gave the guys their tuxes.
"Where Kian?" I asked.
"Still out with Levi." Trevor says.
"Got you a slurpee." Connor says.
"Thank you." I took it. Caroline and I laid the bridesmaids dresses on the couch.
"Go show mom." Kian said as he walked through the door. Levi walked in with a beanie on and a penny board. I laughed.
"I'm a man." He said. We laughed.
"Don't hurt yourself." I say.
"Ok!" He ran into the kitchen.

We hung out just talking. It was really great to catch up with Jenn, Cameron and Nash. We don't see them a lot.
"Ricky." I said. He looked at me.
"Slip." Kian coughed.
"What?" Jenn asked.
"Shut up!" Ricky yelled. Kian and I laughed.
"What are you talking about?" Jenn asked.
"I heard everything." Connor says laughing. I pointed to him and laughed. He knew what we were talking about.
"When are you moving out?" Nash asked.
"As soon as we can get them to except our damn offer." Kian was mad because they kept raising and lowering the price.
"Where at?" Camera asked as he passes a football to Nash.
"This neighborhood." Kian said.
"Did you find out the gender?" Ricky asked.
"Oh yeah?!" Connor said.
"Is it a boy?" Jenn asked.
"It's a girl." I say.
"Awe!" Connor said.
"Levi promised to take care of her." Sam says.
"He did." Kian says. Levi jumped in Trevor's lap.
"Boy! I am tweeting." He said.
"Levi tell Jenn your favorite movie."
"Lion kink." He said. We all busted up laughing.
"50 shades of Levi." Connor said. We couldn't stop laughing.
"King." Cameron sounded out.
"Kink!" He yelled and jumped up and down.
"This boy." Kian said. Levi high fived Sam.
"It is your bedtime." I say.
"No!" He yelled.
"Hey!" Sam said.
"No! Bed!" He took a stance like the hulk.
"Levi Owen." Connor said. He hated when Connor camels him out. He hated when Connor was rough because usually he's a teddy bear. He ran and hugged Connor.
"It's your bedtime, Grumps." Connor said as he stood up.
"I got it." I tried to get up.
"Sit your pregnant butt down." Connor said.
"Hey guys." Shelby walked in.
"Hey." I stood up and hugged her.
"It's a girl." Jenn said.
"Well congratulations!"
"Thank you." She sat down with us.
"Where's Caroline?" Shelby asked.
"Here." I pointed to her asleep on the couch all bundled up.
"She's my burrito." Jc says.
"Supreme." Trevor said. We laughed.
"Is she kicking?" Jenn asked.
"Yeah little bit."
"I love to feel them."
"Here." I took her hand.
"That's crazy!" She said.
"I know. Kian says she's going to be an Olympic medalist."
"Swimmer." Connor yelled as he walked downstairs.
"Yup." I nodded. They all watched as she kicked.
"What's too weird." Nash said.
"How old is Skylynn?" I asked.
"According to her or reality?"
"6 in reality 20 in her mind."
"He's cute the crack up." Jenn says.
"She drives me insane but just say horses and your her best friend."
"What about unicorns?" Sam asked.
"Thats the ultimate package." He says. Kian walked over to me and knelt to my ear.
"Want to go see a movie?" He asked.
"With the guys?"
"No just us, little date."
"Let's sneak out." He said.
"Hey Shelby, will you keep an eye on Levi?"
"Alright, thanks." Kian and I snuck out of the house.

I was falling asleep in the theater. My head was on Kian's lap.
"Do you just want to go home?" He whispered.
"If you want."
"Let's go." I sat up and we walked out.
"I'm exhausted." I say.
"You're a mom I expect you to be."
"Let's get milkshakes and go home."
"Sound perfect." We stopped at sonic.
"Strawberry." I sat.
"Can I get two medium strawberry milkshakes?"
"Yup." The guy said. I put a hand on my stomach.
"You ok?" Kian asked.
"My pelvis hurts."
"You want to call dr. Solomon?"
"Yeah." He rolled up his window and called the office.
"Sorry thats it's late but my fiancé is having pelvic pain."
"20 weeks."
"Drink some water." He handed me a bottle.
"Alright thanks." He hung up.
"What did they say?"
"Drink some water if it doesn't subside in one hour come in."
"Its probably just premature labor."
"It's not real labor." I said.
"Ok" he was relieved.

  We got home and the pain had stopped.
"Go lay down, I'll shut them up." He said.
"Left side is what she said."
"Ok." I walked upstairs. I got into bed and laid on my left side. Why does being pregnant have to be so hard? Ugh. I don't remember Kian coming back upstairs. I was out like a light.

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