Chapter 47: Mr. And Mrs. Pt. 1

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  Kian and I are about the film a video before the wedding. The ceremony starts at 3 so Kian needed to video to put up. We sat in front of the camera.
"What's up everybody? I'm Willa." He says.
"And I'm Kian." His arms dangled over my shoulder.
"We are..." Kian looked at his phone.
"What are we doing?" I asked. His hand squeezed my breast.
"Kian! What the fuck!" He smirked.
"We are...making brownies." He says.
"That's not too bad."
"My way."
"Great Kian let's ruin brownies for everyone."
"There's a catch." He says.
"You didn't tell me about the catch." I say.
"So we're playing truth or dare and the winner makes brownies for the loser."
"Do we get a pass?"
"So normal brownies?" I asked.
"No you can put anything in there." I raised my eyebrows.
"It has to be edible."
"Damn." He laughed.
"Just remember your not possibly only feeding me-" he covered my mouth.
"Let's get started." We had to go outside to film so we re set up all the cameras and sound equipment.
"Alright, Willa wrote 5 and I wrote 5." Kian says. My phone ringed.
"Seriously!" Kian yelled.
"Caroline is getting married I can't put my phone on vibrate. Hello?"
"Ok, bye. Love you too." I hung up.
"Who was that?"
"Caroline wanted to know is I had the shoes."
"Anyway, I'll start because it's my game." I rolled me eyes.
"Truth or dare?"
"How many kids do I have?" He says.
"This is how you want to tell them?" He smiled and nodded.
"1/2." I say. He laughed.
"You go."
"Truth or dare?"
"I dare you to kiss Ricky." I say.
"Oh hell no."
"You said no passes."
"I hate you."
"You love me." I smiled. I took a camera and we walked inside.
"Ok so Ricky is sleeping." I whispered.
"I can't believe you're making me do this."
"Go." I kicked his butt. He opened Ricky's door. He was snoring, perfect! Kian leaned in. I was silently laughed my ass off.
"Ew." Kian groaned. He pecked him.
"The fuck!?" Ricky sat up and rubbed his lips.
"You're so nasty!" Ricky ran into his bathroom and started bushing his teeth. So did Kian. I was laughing so hard.
"Willa made me do it." Kian said.
"Willa! What the hell?" He brushed for a good 10 minutes. We went back to outside.
"Your turn." I say. He kept talking in his phone.
"Babe your turn."
"I was nice to you, you went all savage." He says.
"Are you changing your dares!?"
"Back off." He stopped tapping.
"Ok, truth or dare?"
"Most embarrassing moment living with us."
"Oh Kian." He laughed. He knows this story.
"When I was pregnant with Levi I made the stupidest mistake, I didn't take a towel to the shower."
"And." Kian says.
"And I had to shower in Ricky's because mine was broken." I shamed myself.
"So she ran upstairs naked."
"You guys are awful."
"We were eating dinner." Kian says.
"Stop that's enough."
"Truth or dare?"
"What is your favorite memory of us?" He smirked.
"When I took you and Levi to that restaurant."
"Kian." I put a hand in my forehead.
"Are you just trying to embarrass me?"
"Our waiter knew us and he said you have the cutest baby or something like that."
"He said: He's adorable, little jeans."
"Willa was so offended. She goes: his name is Levi!" We laughed.
"I didn't know."
"Ok we're running out of time." I looked at the clock.
"Oh shit."
"Ok truth or dare?"
"Dare." I say.
"I dare you to run in the street and say: I'll name my baby after you if you kiss me."
"Are you kidding me?"
"No. Pay back for kissing Ricky."
"Ugh." He took a camera to the street with me.
"Go." He pushed me.
"If you kiss me I'll name my next child after you!" I yelled. This girl walking her dog came over.
"You're Willa Carson!" She said. Ugh....
"Then I have to." Kian laughed.
"On the cheek." I say. She kissed my cheek.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"I love it. Hopefully it's a girl." She smiled. We talked to her.
"So wait your pregnant?" She asked.
"Yeah." I nodded. She started crying.
"Awe don't cry!" I hugged her.
"I kissed you're cheek and you might name you baby after me! It's too much."
"Thank you for being in the video. I'll put your name on the top of my girl list."
"Thank you!" She said.
"Absolutely." Kian hugged her and we walked inside. We set the camera up.
"Ok so we just realized there are no losers so Rock paper scissors." Kian says. I won 2/3. We walked into the kitchen and Kian turned the camera on i got on Kian back to reach the brownie box. I got it and jumped off his back. He got the oil and eggs. He took and egg out. I was reading the directions out loud. I looked up just in time to see him about to crack an egg on my head.
"Kian! Caroline will kill me! I'm the maid of honor!" He thought he was slick.
"She would have murdered you." He was laughing.
"You're so damn lucky." I say. I mix the batter up.
"What are you putting in it?" He asked.
"I was thinking we could combine all the meals."
"For breakfast I was thinking eggo waffles, then lunch some bread and for dinner some hamburger meet with lettuce and tomato." He face was so funny he was disgusted.
"It will be good I promise."
"You what?"
"Never mind." I laughed. I made it and put it in the oven.
"It's going to be horrid." Kian says.
"This was your idea." I was sitting on the counter. He leaned in and kissed me.
"Are you really going to name our baby Roseland?" He asked as he put his hands on my stomach.
"Do you not like it?"
"I didn't think you would actually do it."
"She was so sweet and I do love the name."
"Well of it's a girl I'm OK with the that name." I smiled.
"Ok." He kissed me again. The timer beeped. I jumped off the counter and opened the oven.
"I'm going to puke." Kian says. I put my shirt over my nose. I put it on the stove. I cut Kian a piece and put it on a plate.
"Are you really going to but the baby thing in the video?"
"No." He shook his head.
"Eat a bite." I say.
"I hate you."
"Awe I hate you too." He ate a bite.
"Ugh! Willa!" He washed his mouth out. I was  dying of laughter. We cleaned up the kitchen and went to check on Levi. I opened Trevor's door. Levi was on the floor on his back chewing on a Xbox controller.
"Trevor." I say. He takes the head set off.
"He doesn't play video games." I picked him up.
"Gotta lean early." He says. Kian picked up a controller.
"Off. We need to all be getting ready." I say.
"Hey Willa." Trevor says.
"Yeah?" I walked over.
"Think you could cover my shiner up?" He was referring to his black eye.
"Let me see." I held his chin and looked at it.
"Put some more of that gel on it."
"Ok." Kian took Levi from me.
"Get ready for launch." Kian says. He put Levi on his lap. He had a fist in his mouth.
"3 2 1! Blast off!" He spun Levi in the room.
"Kian, he just ate." I say. And there came to milk all over Kian.
"Awesome thank you Levi." I took Levi.
"Good job!" Trevor said.
"Connor Ricky!" I yelled.
"What!" They yelled back.
"Start getting ready!"

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