Chapter 31: Wake Up

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I woke up in my bed with Kian in there.
"Good morning." He said.
"Good morning." I stood up and looked at the clock. I put a shirt on.
"Where are you going?"
"Levi is always up at 7." He sighed.
"What did you say last night? I remember."
"I didn't mean it like that."
"Then what did you mean?" He took my by the waist and I sat on top of him.
"That I don't want you to leave."
"I have to. I'm a mom remember?" He kissed me and I left the room. I walked into Levi's room and picked him up.
"Hey Bud." I laid him on the changing table. I changed his diaper and put new clothes on. I walked downstairs.
"Morning." Connor said.
"Morning." I kissed his cheek.
"Bottle?" Trevor asked.
"Thank you." I said he nodded and I made the bottle. Kian walked downstairs. I didn't act like anything had happened.
"It's Saturday, what are you doing today?" Ricky asked as he came out of his room.
"Thought we would hit up the club." Connor said.
"Doesn't Jake from State Farm own the Cocktail club?" Ricky asked. Kian dropped his cup of water. I handed Trevor the bottle.
"Yeah." I say. As I bent down to mop up the water.
"You think you could get us in there?" Ricky asked.
"Willa you can hang out with the guys tonight, I've got Levi."
"I can't let you do that Trevor."
"Well I am too bad."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, it's not a big deal."
"Ok I owe you." He smiled.
"Is there anything that the house members need to know? Any of us have anything?" Connor asked.
"No." Kian and I said in unison.
"Willa you guys did it in the pool last night!" Trevor said.
"How would you know that?" Kian asked.
"Windows are glass. Glass is clear and I live here." Ricky said. I was so embarrassed.
"We don't care if you guy are together we just want a heads up so we aren't surprised when we find your bra in the pool." Trevor said. I walked upstairs.
"Hey." Kian took my arm.
"What?" I asked.
"Why are you crying?"
"That was so embarrassing!"
"It's embarrassing to love me?"
"Last night never happened."
"Excuse me!? You kissed me!"
"It was a mistake!"
"Willa!" He was hurt.
"It's too embarrassing."
"I take it back. I don't love you." It penetrated my heart (but that was a lie, he loves her) I slammed my door.

  I brought a bag downstairs. I took Levi from Trevor.
"Where are you going?" Ricky asked.
"I'm staying at Steph and lenas for a while." I put my shoes on.
"Willa!" Connor yelled.
"What?" I asked. Ricky and Trevor left.
"Doesn't really matter, Kian left."
"Why did he leave?"
"I can't really say."
"He asked me not to tell you."
"I just need to go out for a while."
"Willa we do not give a fuck if you want to date Kian-"
"I don't want to date him!"
"You came in to him last night. I don't think that you can see it but we see it. You love him." I looked at him.
"I want what's best for Levi."
"Who do you want? You have 3 options: 1) you and Kian stay together. 2) you leave and run away with Levi. Or 3) you can act like nothing happened and hurt Kian."
"Is there a forth?"
"You could move in with Red." I looked at him.
"Call him." Connor held out his phone. I took it and walked upstairs. I sat on my bed holding Levi.
"Connor?" Kian said.
"Hey." I said.
"I don't want to talk to you."
"I'm sorry." He didn't say anything.
"I over reacted and I hurt you. I'm not proud of that. I'm not embarrassed to say that I love you." I heard him sniffle.
"I love you too." He cried.
"Will you come home?" I wiped my eyes.
"Yeah." He said.
"Ok?" He 'cry laughed'
"Ok." I 'cry laughed' too. He hung up. I walked downstairs. Kian opened the door and I ran to him. He squeezed me and I wrapped my legs around his torso.
"I thought you were gone...forever." I said in his ear.
"Are you kidding me? I barley made it down the street." I laughed.
"Can i kiss you now?" He asked.
"Yes." I nodded. He pulled me away and his lips met mine. For the first time in front of the guys. He hands were on my ass.
"Too much." I said.
"Too much?"
"Yeah." He let me go.
"Watch it, You want be dad?" Ricky asked.
"Ricky!" Kian yelled. I laughed. Kian shoved Ricky to the couch and they fought. We laughed.
"Well that lasted all of 30 minutes." Connor said looking up from his watch. Levi cried. I was about to take him from Trevor but Kian beat me to it.
"Owe!" Ricky yelled.
"Interception!" Connor yelled. We laughed. Then....I. Woke. Up.

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