Chapter 55: Family's all we got

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I apologize for such a long chapter😯 if you don't want to real it all make sure to read the last paragraph.

  I followed Levi to the kitchen. He was running in his diaper. Cutest little kid.
"I'm gonna get your buns!" I say as he runs away.
"Good morning." Kevin says as he sips his coffee."
"You mean goodnight." I yawned. He laughed and picked up Levi.
"Do your parents not provide clothes?" He asks Levi.
"No!" Levi says.
"Haha." I opened the fridge.
"So what up with the Christmas tree?" I asked.
"What Christmas tree?" He asks.
"Well not a lot a people celebrate it so we don't usually put it up."
"That's stupid. It's your culture."
"Wait are you pregnant?" He asks.
"Yeah 13 weeks, didn't sandy tell you?"
"No!" He says. I laughed.
"Yup." I nodded. I filled Levi's sippy cup with water and gave it to him. I poured a cup of coffee and sat down.
"Kian made a video."
"I can barley check my email let alone open the phone." I laughed.
"It's not that hard."
"I'm usually working."
"Good morning good morning." Sandy walks in.
"You didn't tell me Willa is pregnant." He says.
"I wanted it to be a surprise. Surprise!" She says. We laughed.
"I am surprised."
"We have a surprise." Sandy says.
"Our 4 kids are coming today."
"My cousins?"
"Yeah. Casey, Kelsey, Brandy, and Preston."
"Really?" I've never met them before. My parents were so distant with their family.
"Brandy and Kelsey are pregnant." Sandy says.
"How far are they?"
"Brandy is 20 weeks and Kelsey is 18."
"Her first?"
"Awe that's nice."
"Casey and Preston are single." Kevin says. I nodded.
"Preston actually is in Belgium."
"He's in the army." Sandy says.
"I can't wait to meet them."
"Where Kian?" Kevin asked.
"Jet lag."
"Willa was making fun of our tree." Kevin says. I laughed.
"What tree?" Sandy asks.
"We just don't usually put it up."
"We should." I say.
"That would be fun."
"It is Christmas." Kevin's says
"I'll get the tree." Sandy says.
"We are going to open gifts when they get here." Sandy says.
"You have gifts?"
"Well when we came down I went through your grandmas storage locker and found somethings, and I got Levi something and maybe I got the baby something." She did quilt and sew.
"You shouldn't have."
"You'll love it."
"I did get you guys stuff."
"It's not thanksgiving." Kevin says. We laughed.
"Dada." Levi said.
"He's sleeping." I say.
"I'm really liking this aunt thing." Lady says as she walks out. We laughed.
"Me too." I messed up her hair up.
"Since Willa and Kian are here we are gonna have a real Christmas." Sandy says.
"Yes!" She jumped up and down.

  " sleep in heavenly peace." I sang.
"Silent night, holy night." Kevin joins.
"Sing hallelujah." Sandy and Kian sang. Kian put his head on my shoulder as a hung and ornament.
"Son of God, loves pure light." I said. Kian lifted lady up so she could put the star up. We all stood to see the tree that we put together.
"I'm so happy you came." Sandy kissed my head.
"Me too." Kevin adds.
"And me!" Lady wrapped her arms around my waist.
"I believe there are angels among us." Sandy sang.
"Sent down to us, from some where up above." I started to cry. I missed my mom. We would be making ginger bread cookies and dancing around the tree. She was somethin else.
"They come to you and me in our darkest hours."
"To guide us with the he light of love." I sang solo.
"Oh Willa." Sandy hugged me.
"She's there." Sandy whispered.
"I know. I feel them."
"Your mother would be busting her ass in the kitchen right now." Kevin says. We laughed.
"And dad would be yelling at the tree." I say.
"I miss mom and dad." Lady said.
"We all do." Sandy says.
"They're watching over us." Kian said.
"They do that." Kevin says. There was a knock at the door. I fixed my hair.
"They have to Like you." Kian says. I chuckled.
"First impressions are important." I say. He kissed the side of my face.
"You look beautiful." Sandy opened the door.
"Mom!" Brandy, I assume her husband, Kelsey, her husband, Casey, and Preston walked in.
"Willa." Brandy said with her hand on her face.
"Hi." I said. She ran in to me.
"I can't believe it's you." He hugged me.
"It's so good to finally meet you." She pulled  away.
"This is my husband, Taylor." He introduced us.
"Hi, Willa, this is Kian my fiancé, and Levi my son." I say.
"Hi!" Brandy said.
"Hey Willa." Kelsey said.
"Is that Willa?" Preston asked.
"Is that aunt Luna's kid?" Casey asked.
"Yeah." Sandy said. They all ran and hugged me. All I could thing about was all the family I never met and who else I'm going to have to put in the wedding.
"This is Steven, my fiancé." Kelsey says.
"Everyone calls me Waldo." I laughed.
"Willa." I said.
"I've heard a lot about you." Preston says.
"Have you?" I ask. We laughed.
"Well this is Laney." Brandy rubbed her belly.
"This is Cameron or Carmen." Kelsey said.
"This is Luna or Leland." I say.
"Awe." Sandy side hugged Kevin. This was so surreal.
"Levi say hi." I picked him up. He put his face in my scarf.
"Jet lag." I say. We sat at the tree and exchange gifts. Levi was in love with this car.
"Willa this is for Luna or Leland." Sandy gave me a blanket. I ran my fingers over the embroidered letters: I'm a Lawley baby.
"That's is adorable, thank you." I hugged her.
"I started working on it the second I found out."
"thank you." I said.
"Your grandmother was an embroider." She said.
"Was she?"
"Yeah, her and her mom ran a shop in your great grandmothers house."
"That's incredible."
"Now it's tattoo parlor." Kevin's says.
"What a shame." I say.
"Yeah." Brandy says.
"Tell me more." I say.
"Absolutely. Kevin has 3 siblings, your mom, Shelly, and Jeff."
"They married?"
"Shelly passed away 3 years ago but she was married to Lane."
"Jeff lives in Wyoming he had 4 boys with Jess." Kevin says.
"Shelly have kids?
"She had 4." Sandy says.
"This is incredible." I say.
"It's a lot to take in and I'm sorry we don't know much about your dads side."
"It's ok." Kian was goofing off with Preston and Casey in the kitchen.
"I'll let you process that." Sandy says.
"Tell me more later." I say.
"Of course." She played with Levi and his car.
"Yeah it ok." I walked over to Kian.
"Is everyone pregnant?" Preston asked.
"Seems like it." Kian says.
"Levi looks 90% like you." Casey says.
"He's actually not Kian's." I say.
"But I'm his father figure." Kian says.
"Thats great man." Preston says.
"How long have you been in the army?" I ask.
"Since I graduated high school."
"You're stationed in Belgium?"
"This must not be a lot." Kian says.
"We're not even half of the family." Casey adds
"It's coming together." I say as I pointed to my head. They laughed.
"Willa can you tell me about Luna?" Brandy asked.
"Everything I remember. What really happened? Why was she so disconnected to you guys?" I ask. I walked over.
"You mom was very independent. She wanted to go to law school, but your grandma wasn't going to pay for law school." Sandy says.
"Our mother was a very traditional women, she wanted her to be a mother, nurture and care for her children." Kevin says.
"This is the first I've heard of this." Kelsey says.
"But she didn't go to law school." I say.
"She took your grandmas money to go to school on her terms but after school was over she ran away with your dad." Sandy says.
"Do they know about Liam?" I asked.
"Who's Liam?" Brandy asked looking at brandy.
"in the accident my mother was 9 months pregnant with my brother. I was told he didn't make it but found out last war that he was alive and adopted." I say.
"That's crazy." Brandy says.
"That's when i really felt my life came together."
"So he's 6?" Brandy asks.
"yup, here i have a picture." I pulled up a picture on my phone. The one at his birthday party.
"He looks so much like lady." Kelsey says.
"Yeah." I say.
"It's a small world." Taylor says.
"It is." She Kept scrolling. You know how you tense up when someone keeps tooling at your photos. Damn women stop! She came across pictures of Levi when he was born.
"Is this Levi?"
"He's darling." Kelsey says.
"He's my little guy." She kept scrolling. I was getting tense, last thing I want is her to find a picture of me and Sam. She stopped on a photo of me and Kian at playlist with me holding up my ring pop.
"Is this your engagement photo?" She laughed.
"That's a funny story." I say.
"Do tell." Sandy says. She's knew the story.
"Well my best friend recently got engaged. Kian whispered in my ear: that will be us one day, when they were announcing it."
"Kian you devil you." Brandy said. He looked over and winked.
"I was like: do it right now."
"You bad ass." Kelsey says. I laughed.
"So we went behind a little booth and he got in one knee. And because he didn't have a ring the ring pop had to do."
"That's awesome." Waldo said.
"I got to think of that next time." Taylor says. Brandy looked at him wth the most pissed off face I've ever seen and Kevin was laughing so hard I thought he was going to break the chair.
"Next time?!" She asked. He laughed. Kevin was running out of air to breathe. They just kept talking. there was so much to catch up on.
"Oh Willa I almost forgot." Sandy went to her room and came back with 3 photo albums.
"These are all from you and lady growing up. Mainly you." This is amazing thank you. I'll look at them on the plane."
"Hey will, this is from your grandma and your mom." Kian handed me two letters. I opened my grandmas. It read: Willa, you probably know by now that I had/have cancer. I want you to know that I formed the ruby's. I'm going to let you figure out what that is. I love you and lady very much. This wont be easy to hear but your brother is alive and all the paper work is inside the black cook book. Your mother left you a note for your wedding day. And lady. She wrote them went you were born and added on to them throughout the years. Don't open it until you about to walk down the aisle, read it as if your mother would be telling you those things right there. You are her pride and joy. Never forget that. She made you who you are today. You are the daughter of an amazing women, carry that on! Your mother is so proud of you. Remember she is looking down at you, every single day. She loves you Willa, I believe there are angels among us.
Sandy handed me a tissue and I wiped my tears away.
"Read it." I said to Kian. He read it and hugged me.
"You can cry, it's ok." He rubbed my back.
"Mamma." Levi pulled at my shirt. I picked him up.
"Willa your mother was extraordinary." He whispered. 

  Kian caught me making pie in the kitchen. He dipped his finger in my pumpkin pie.
"Not in my kitchen boy!" Sandy swatted him with a towel.
"You sassin' him mom? He's new." Preston said.
"Yeah I'm new." Kian said.
"3 strikes." She said.
"From what?!" Kian asked.
"You think I didn't hear you this morning in the fridge eating my fudge."
"That was one time."
"I heard you talking about how my soap smells weird."
"You crossed the line!" Casey yelled.
"I'm new." He said again.
"Can't use that one forever, trust me." Taylor said. We laughed.
"But you're gone use it again." Brandy brought up what he said this morning.
"I was a joke brandy!"
"I'm still holding a grudge!" I put the pie in the oven. Taylor and brandy argued.
"Willa, I got you something." Lady said.
"You didn't have to." I ironed it.
"On one side of the locket it says: I believe there are angels among us, on the other Side it says: sisters will aways be connected at heart." I hugged her.
"And on the inside its a picture of Levi and you and Kian and in the other of mom and dad , so you can always have us together around your heart."
"This is the best gift I've ever gotten." I picked her up and swung her.
"I'm never taking it off." I say. She laughed.
"Lady, come watch this." Preston said in the front room.
"What?" We all went to the tv.
"Home videos." Preston said.
"Oh no." I said.
"You hiding something?" Kian asked.
"Just watch, I remember this one." I say.
"What are you doing lady bug?" My moms voice said. The camera was focused on lady. She was sitting on the bedroom bed on her stomach naked.
"Mom I need toilet paper!" Little me yelled. Everyone laughed when the camera pointed to me on the toilet.
"Mom don't film me!" Little me yelled.
"Get used to it Will." Baby lady fated.
"That was a good one." Mom said. We laughed again.
"How did you find this?" I asked.
"Keep watching." Preston said. Oh shit.
"Did you forget about me?! Hello?! TP please!" I yelled in the bedroom bathroom. The thing was my mom was filming in the kitchen. You could hear me from the kitchen.
"Just wait will, dad will be home soon."
"Are you kidding me?! There is poop hanging off my hole!" I yelled. I was so embarrassed. We were all dying.
"Use your hand! Actually I think we're out." Mom yelled at me.
"Don't help me or anything!" I yelled. The toilet flushed. That was the end of the video.
"We can only assume she used her hand." Kevin says.
"I'm done with you guys. It's was nice meeting you." Kian pulled me back in the room.
"Play some more." Lady said.

Kian POV:
I just put Levi to bed and leftovers away. Everyone was crashed in the couch or in a spare bedroom. I walked passed the bathroom to get to the bedroom.
"Let it be Christmas everywhere. Let heavenly music fill he air." I heard Willa singing the shower. I stopped.
"Let every heart sing, and every bell ring. The story of hope, joy, and peace! Let it be Christmas! Christmas everywhere." (My favorite Christmas song BTW) I sat with my back against the wall listening to her sing. I closed my eyes. Sandy walked out of her bedroom and saw me. She sat down in front of me.
"She sounds great."
"Every night, she thinks I'm asleep but I listen to her."
"You love her."
"I want to marry that." She smiled.
"Sometimes it's rock, pop, country, or her own mixture. Sometimes it's bad." She laughed.
"She's never letting you go."
"When she left, I broke down. I felt like I had just lost everything and it couldn't get worse." (Willa is listening by the way)
"I felt like she took my heart with her and she wasn't giving it back."
"Look at you now."
"Engagement, wedding, baby. It's a little fast but I don't care. I've loved her since the day I saw her and I can't give her up."
"She is beyond lucky to have you in her and Levi's life. You have been through everything with her. You stood by her and you didn't let her go. That is why the Ruby's were formed."
"You knew?"
"It's a tradition to form the ruby's. Willa just gave it a name. I had ruby's. There are always 3. The one you think is it is always not it. Then your left with two. You go for the one that you feel comfortable with but then you learn about them and you don't like them anymore, then you go with the last one and they are always it. Sometimes we don't know that we had them. We look back and we see them. Sometimes you go back to the second after you meet the third even though they already broke your heart. Mellie knew it was you. she threw in Connor and Sam so Willa could love you more. So Willa could know that through it all that one would be there. Their the one that stood by her. They are the one. The one that never left and never stopped loving you is the one. You be her ruby and she can be your diamond."

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