57: Mix up

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  I was starring at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. I just wanted my boy home and healthy. Kian shifted in bed and put an arm around my stomach. I turned and put my back to him.
"You know we are both going through this and we need to be there for each other." Kian says.
"I don't need your attention I need moral support." My voice broke.
"He's my boy too."
"Not by blood." He took a minute to speak.
"It really hurts when you say that."
"I'm sorry."
"Can I at least feel Ro?" I took a his hand and placed it in my stomach. She kicked.

  We both couldn't sleep that night so we went up to the hospital. Kian, Levi, and I were all in that little bed with our Levi. I held Levi close. He's my world. I can't give that up. The nurse knocked on the door and Kian and I woke up.
"Sorry." He started to walk out.
"It's ok." I say. Kian and I got out of the bed. Kian sat in the chair and I sat on his lap. He put his arms around me. The nurse checked on Levi.
"When is your appointment?" Kian asked.
"Like 20 minutes."
"For a minute let's pretend Levi is healthy and be excited about finding out the sex of the baby."
"I think I can do that."
"Good." He kissed my forehead.
"You can head up to maternity I'll keep him company." The nurse said.
"Thank you." Kian and I walked to the elevator.

  "Let's take a look." Dr. Soldom said. She rubbed the jelly around. Kian and I were smiling.
"I don't see a little penis." He says.
"Luna Roseland." Kian said. Our foreheads touched. He smirks and kissed me.
"We're having a girl." I say.
"We are."
"Congratulations." Dr.Solomon says. After checking out we headed back to Levi's room. The nurse was reading Levi a book.
"Let's have dad finish the story." She says. Kian walked over and took the book.
"Doctor would like to talk to you and Sam." She says.
"Ok." I walked over and woke Sam up.
"Dr. Marshal wants to talk to us." I say. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. We walked outside the room.
"Boy or girl?" He asked.
"Girl." I slightly smiled.
"I'm happy for you."
"Thank you."
"Ms. Carson, Mr. Pottorff." Dr. Marshal said.
"Yes?" I asked.
"When I took Levi's last blood work, it got mixed up with the neighboring patient."
"What are you saying?" Sam asked.
"Levi doesn't have leukemia, he just has strep. It's rare for the lymphs to swell continuously."
"So he doesn't have stage 0?"
"No. I apologize for the mix up."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Sam said.
"Mr. Pottorff."
"No! That is my son in there you should be sued!"
"To be honest it was your nurse who took the blood and I don't think that a good idea."
"Why?" Sam asked.
"She's not in the best place right now."
"Can I talk to her?" I asked. She gave me a look.
"I'm not going to yell at her." I say.
"Ok." Sam took a breather outside.
"I'm so sorry ms. Carson." The nurse said.
"I'm trying to be really calm about his but give me one reason Sam shouldn't file a lawsuit." She looked broken. She broke down.
"I'm going to be honest with you, I just found out that my husband has 1 week. Or less. Five or take." I put a hand in her back.
"I'm so sorry."
"I'm still trying to work. I just found out when you went to maternity. I'm so sorry."
"He doesn't have cancer and that's what matters."
"Do you want me to talk to Sam?"
"I got him."
"I don't want you to be sympathetic I just wanted you to understand."
"I understand." She smiled and walked away. I walked into Levi's room.
"What did she say?" I started crying. All the tears I have been holding in. The flood gates were down.
"Hey!" Kian ran over.
"He doesn't have cancer." I say. I felt his tears Wet my jacket.

  "Go home?" Levi asked.
"Yeah buddy, let's go home." Kian says. He lifted him into his arms. They are my family. I can't tell you how happy I am but I feel so bad for that family. I caught the nurse on our way out.
"Hey did you call that family?"
"Yes, they are coming in. And again I am so sorry."
"I hope you husband enjoys what has. Go on vacation." She smiled.
"Thank you."
"I hope to not see you again here."
"Me too." We walked out holding hands. I buckled Levi into his car seat.
"Can we avoid being sick you really scared mommy."
"Ok." He said. I kissed him and closed the car door.
"Levi your going to have a sister." Kian says.
"What?!" He says. We laughed.
"You better protect her." Sam says. I smiled.
"You got it!" He says.

  "He's fine."
"Oh my gosh!" Sandy was on the other line.
"And it's a girl." I say.
"Oh my gosh! Give me more great news!"
"Ugh, I don't know." She laughed.
"Do you guys even know how much I worry about you?"
"No." I sat on the couch cross crossed.
"Well it's a lot. You stay safe, I need to get to work."
"Ok, love you."
"I love you too." She hung up. Kian's chin was on my head.
"Levi's in bed and the guys are out." I looked up and kissed him.
"And i have puke breath." I say.
"You just killed it." He says.
"It was never alive."
"Please." He walked around the couch.
"All I want is a pizza and back ops."
"What about Netflix and chill?"
"Without chill."
"Kian!" I mocked him. He leaned to my level.
"Netflix pizza and chill." Our faces were inches apart. I smiled.
"Pizza and the pool." I say.
"Deal." He picked me up and kicked the back door open.
"I'm still here!" Ricky yelled. He was traumatized. Kian was laughing to hard.
"Want to join us?" Kian asked.
"Stop it!" He put two pillows to his ears.
"Then shut the blinds!" I said.
"Ahhhh!" He screamed and ran to the Windows.

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